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On January 12, 2024 at 1:25:07 AM +1100, Gravatar datansw-support-4789:
  • Updated description of Passive Surveillance Index from

    <p>This dataset includes the final Technical Note and accompanying GIS datasets delivered by Cardno and UNSW for their proof-of-concept Passive Surveillance Index (PSI) trial in Parramatta, through TfNSW’s Safety After Dark Innovation Challenge (SADIC).</p> <p>The PSI scores walking routes based on quantifiable indicators. The tool may be a starting point for planners to make informed decisions on how safe cities may factor passive surveillance into their design. The <a href="">web map</a> visually displays the PSI for different times of the night across the trial area. This website works best using the Google Chrome browser.</p> <p>Contact: Elizabeth Muscat, <a href=""></a><br /> Output: the SADIC PSI Data zip file and technical report</p>
    This dataset includes the final Technical Note and accompanying GIS datasets delivered by Cardno and UNSW for their proof-of-concept Passive Surveillance Index (PSI) trial in Parramatta, through TfNSW’s Safety After Dark Innovation Challenge (SADIC). The PSI scores walking routes based on quantifiable indicators. The tool may be a starting point for planners to make informed decisions on how safe cities may factor passive surveillance into their design. The [web map]( visually displays the PSI for different times of the night across the trial area. This website works best using the Google Chrome browser. Contact: Elizabeth Muscat, []( Output: the SADIC PSI Data zip file and technical report

  • Changed the license of Passive Surveillance Index to Creative Commons Attribution (previouslyLicense Not Specified )

  • Added resource SADIC PSI data to Passive Surveillance Index

  • Added resource Passive Surveillance Index - Technical Note to Passive Surveillance Index

  • Deleted resource Passive Surveillance Index - Technical Note from Passive Surveillance Index

  • Deleted resource SADIC PSI data from Passive Surveillance Index