On January 23, 2015 at 2:23:06 AM +1100,
Changed title to Anti-Discrimination Board statistics 2005-2006 (previously Anti-Discrimination Board complaint data 2005-2006)
Updated description of Anti-Discrimination Board statistics 2005-2006 from
Includes data on the number of complaints by ground of complaint, type of employer and outcome 2005-2006
toIncludes the following statistics for the year 2005-2006: * Enquiries by area * Enquiries by ground * Complaints received by ground and area * Types of employment complaints * Type of employer * Outcome of complaints finalised * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander complaints
Moved Anti-Discrimination Board statistics 2005-2006 from to
Removed the source URL from Anti-Discrimination Board statistics 2005-2006
Removed the version from Anti-Discrimination Board statistics 2005-2006