From Transport Station CAD Drawings (W - Z)
This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names W - Z. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station.... -
From Transport Station CAD Drawings (S - V)
This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names S - V. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station.... Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Energy Rating Data for household appliances – Non Labelled products
These datasets contain information about residential, commercial and industrial products that have been registered for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) in Australia... -
From data.gov.au Producer Price Indexes by Industry
Contains a range of producer price indexes. Firstly, economy-wide indexes are presented within a Stage of Production (SOP) framework, followed by a set of partial, stand-alone...