Annual cost and number of employee assistance program services accessed (2016-2022)
Data Notes: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a service provided by the NSW Department of Education to support the health and wellbeing of its employees. The EAP is an... -
Gender NSW government school teachers (2013-2021)
Male and female teachers are employed in NSW public schools across all stages of learning. Data Notes: Teachers who were on leave without pay for 12 months or more at 30 June of... -
Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2022)
This publication provides information on teacher dismissals for either proven allegations of misconduct or failing an improvement program in NSW government schools. Data Notes:... -
Age profiles of permanent NSW public school teachers (2012-2022)
This dataset provides information on the age profile of permanent government school teachers by school level. Data Notes: Data representing teachers in NSW government schools is...