Course enrolments in Years 11 and 12 subjects in NSW government schools (2012-2023)
Data Notes: Based on school of tuition, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses only, and includes subjects studied through distance education, the NSW School... -
Board Developed Course enrolments in Year 10 subjects in NSW government...
Data Notes: The table only includes Board Developed Courses The table includes students studying a language through the Secondary College of Languages (formerly Saturday School... -
Primary students in NSW government schools studying a language other than...
Data Notes: The table includes data from the K-6 Community Languages Program (CLP) and the K-6 Languages Program (non-CLP) collections. Students may study more than one... -
NSW government school HSC completions by Aboriginality (2004-2019 and 2016-2023)
The Higher School Certificate is the highest educational award in secondary education in NSW. It is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed Years 11 and 12 at... -
Language participation for Years 7-9 by gender and school year (2012-2021 and 2023)
Data Notes: The data only includes students learning a language on average for more than 1 hour per week for 35 or more weeks a year. Includes students studying a language...