On September 18, 2017 at 4:18:33 PM +1000, NSW Department of Education:
Changed title to Student attendance rate by individual government schools (2011-2016) (previously Attendance rates by individual schools (2011-2015))
Set maintainer of Student attendance rate by individual government schools (2011-2016) to linkadmin (previously katemiller)
Updated description of Student attendance rate by individual government schools (2011-2016) from
**Data Notes:** * Attendance rates for all NSW government schools in alphabetical order. * The data covers Semester 1 only and provides information for students in Years 1 to 10. **Data Source:** * Statistics Unit, Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation.
toThis dataset shows the attendance rates for all NSW government schools in alphabetical order. **Data Notes:** * The attendance rate is defined as the number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time students in Years 1–10 in semester one as a percentage of the total number of possible student-days attended in semester one. Figures are aligned with the National Report on Schooling and the MySchool website. * In NSW government schools, attendance is calculated as (1 minus absences divided by enrolled days) multiplied by 100. * Data is suppressed "sp" for schools where student numbers are below the reporting threshold. * Data is not available "na" for senior secondary schools or other schools where no students were enrolled in Years 1-10. * Blank cells indicate no students were enrolled at the school that census year or the school was out of scope for attendance reporting. **Data Source:** * Statistics Unit, Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation.