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On June 8, 2018 at 12:25:25 PM +1000, Gravatar NSW Education Datahub:
  • Set maintainer of NSW public schools income received from hire of school facilities (2014-2016) to sarah-hayter1-6708 (previously katemiller)

  • Updated description of NSW public schools income received from hire of school facilities (2014-2016) from

    The NSW Department of Education encourages local communities to use school buildings, grounds, playing fields and facilities for appropriate purposes. **Data Notes:** * Principals ensure that the proposed use of the facility is consistent with the values and goals of public education. * A written agreement is negotiated between the school and the community user outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties. * School councils, the P&C and its sub committees are generally entitled to free use of school facilities as are a number of other organisations in accordance with the [Community Use of School Facilities policy]( "Community Use of School Facilities policy "). * Other entities such as not-for-profit groups can gain access on a cost recovery basis. Private profit-making organisations pay a fee which is used to augment the school’s educational programs. **Data source:** * Schools Finance Directorate. NSW Department of Education.
    The NSW Department of Education encourages local communities to use school buildings, grounds, playing fields and facilities for appropriate purposes. **Data Notes:** * Principals ensure that the proposed use of the facility is consistent with the values and goals of public education. * A written agreement is negotiated between the school and the community user outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties. * School councils, the P&C and its sub committees are generally entitled to free use of school facilities as are a number of other organisations in accordance with the [Community Use of School Facilities policy]("Community Use of School Facilities policy "). * Other entities such as not-for-profit groups can gain access on a cost recovery basis. Private profit-making organisations pay a fee which is used to augment the school’s educational programs. **Data source:** * Schools Finance Directorate. NSW Department of Education.