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On August 31, 2017 at 4:29:44 PM +1000, Gravatar NSW Education Datahub:
  • Updated description of Suspensions and expulsions in NSW government schools (2005-2015) from

    This dataset provides information on short suspensions, long suspensions and expulsions in NSW government schools. **Data Notes:** * Data published prior to 2013, is not comparable with data published after 2013. Prior to 2013, suspension and expulsion data was published by region and school education group. From 2013 data is published by Family and Community Services districts to assist evidence informed planning and practice across NSW Government agencies. * To protect individual students’ identities, values under 5 are represented as <5 and n/a is used in the “total” column. * Refer to the individual publications for further information and policy context. **Data Source:** * Schools Operations and Performance. NSW Department of Education.
    This dataset provides information on short suspensions, long suspensions and expulsions in NSW government schools. **Data Notes:** * Data published prior to 2013, is not comparable with data published after 2013. Prior to 2013, suspension and expulsion data was published by region and school education group. From 2013 data is published by Family and Community Services districts to assist evidence informed planning and practice across NSW Government agencies. * To protect individual students’ identities, values under 5 are represented as <5 and n/a is used in the “total” column. * Refer to the individual publications for further information and policy context. **Data Source:** * Public Schools. NSW Department of Education.