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On July 11, 2024 at 10:43:14 AM +1000, Gravatar Link Digital:
  • Updated description of SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18 from

    Slopes greater than or equal to 18 degrees derived from the 1 second Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The SRTM >18 layer is a component used in the Native Vegetation Regulatory Map vulnerable lands layer. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission DEM derived 18 degree or higher layer is a raster (30 metre pixel) image. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission was flown in February 2000 and captured global elevation information between latitudes of 60 degrees North to 56 degrees south at 1 arcsecond resolution. This data has been processed to calculate slope based on a 3 by 3 pixel moving window and resampled to 30m. All values greater than or equal to 18 degrees have been extracted and flattened to produce the SRTM>18 layer described here. More information regarding the Vulnerable Lands Layer may be found at: Last updated 28 February 2000.
    Slopes greater than or equal to 18 degrees derived from the 1 second Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The SRTM >18 layer is a component used in the Native Vegetation Regulatory Map vulnerable lands layer. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission DEM derived 18 degree or higher layer is a raster (30 metre pixel) image. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission was flown in February 2000 and captured global elevation information between latitudes of 60 degrees North to 56 degrees south at 1 arcsecond resolution. This data has been processed to calculate slope based on a 3 by 3 pixel moving window and resampled to 30m. All values greater than or equal to 18 degrees have been extracted and flattened to produce the SRTM>18 layer described here. More information regarding the Vulnerable Lands Layer may be found at: Last updated 28 February 2000.

  • Added resource NVR Map Viewer to SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18

  • Added resource Data Quality Statement to SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18

  • Added resource Download Package to SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18

  • Deleted resource Data Quality Statement from SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18

  • Deleted resource Download Package from SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18

  • Deleted resource NVR Map Viewer from SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18