Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
lga text Local Government Area

Local government area name corresponding to mosquito trapping location based on 2023 NSW shapefile.

year numeric Year
epi_week numeric Epidemiological week

Week number represents the epidemiological week when the trap was set. The epidemiological week uses the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition, which is week ending Saturday.

week_ending_saturday timestamp Week ending Saturday

This date is based on the epidemiological week during which the trap was set. The epidemiological week uses the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition, which is week ending Saturday.

rain_measure text Unit of measurement used for rainfall

Rainfall in this data set is measured in millimetres.

rain_mm numeric Rainfall in millimetres
lga_name_2016 text Local Government Area name (2016)

Local government area name for a specific mosquito trapping location, based on Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census.

lga_2016_code numeric Local Government Area code (2016)

Local government area code for a specific mosquito trapping location, based on Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census.

site_type text Site type

Mosquito traps are set either in inland or coastal areas or in Sydney.

lhd text Local Health District

Name of the NSW local health district corresponding to a specific mosquito trapping location.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 10, 2025
Metadata last updated March 10, 2025
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
Created5 months ago
Media typetext/csv
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsTrue
Package id670b37d9-d64c-430c-954f-7ba67f2c9dc3
Url typeupload