From SEED NPWS WildCount Long-term Fauna Monitoring Species Data 2012-2021
The aim of the Wildcount program is to monitor fauna in eastern New South Wales within NPWS estate and identify changes in species populations through Occupancy Modelling.... -
From SEED Aggregated Data: Australian Species Occurrences
Aggregated Australian species occurrence data from 1900 to the present using a suite of facets of most importance for environmental assessments. Occurrence records were... Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Feral pig habitat in northern Australia - dry season scenario
This dataset describes habitat suitability for feral pig breeding and persistence in northern Australia during the dry season. It is the result of a spatially-explicit,... -
From data.gov.au Feral pig habitat in northern Australia - wet season scenario
This dataset describes habitat suitability for feral pig breeding and persistence in northern Australia during the wet season. It is the result of a spatially-explicit,...