From Transport NSW Speed Cameras
Speed cameras are speed enforcement tools that encourage drivers to slow down and help to reduce the road toll. All speed cameras in NSW are signposted. This dataset includes... -
From Transport NSW Crash Data
This dataset provides data professionals and road safety analysts direct access to road crash data. Ready access to this data helps you take on more detailed research and... -
From Transport Crash Statistics
The data is available on the TfNSW Centre for Road Safety website. The site provides information on: Interactive crash statistics with dynamic reports on road user deaths and... -
NSW crash statistics: Crashes by weather, natural lighting or road surface
Interactive crash report on crashes by weather, natural lighting or road surface -
NSW crash statistics: Crashes by type and region
Crashes by type and region, 2009-2013 -
NSW crash statistics: Road users by gender or region
Interactive crash statistics with dynamic reports on road user deaths and injuries, locations and crash types -
NSW crash statistics: People in crashes in local government area
Interactive report on People in crashes in local government area. Reporting years 2009 to 2013 -
NSW crash statistics: Road users by local government area of crash
Interactive report on Road users by local government area of crash. Reporting years 2009 to 2013 -
NSW crash statistics: Injury trends by gender, road user or region
Interactive report on Injury trends by gender, road user or region. Reporting years 2005 to 2013 -
NSW crash statistics: Fatality trends by gender, road user or region
Interactive report on Fatality trends by gender, road user or region. Reporting years 1996 to 2015 -
NSW crash statistics: Road users by behavioural factors in crashes
Interactive crash statistics with dynamic reports on road user deaths, deaths and injuries, locations and crash types Results from other Australian data portals
From data.sa.gov.au Road Crash data
Details of reported road crashes and casualties for the last three calendar years -
From data.gov.au Road Incidents
Contains count of road incidents by Vicroads in the Ballarat LGA by year. Reproduced from Vicroads data available...