From City of Sydney GPC carbon inventory
City of Sydney’s carbon inventory estimates for the year 2018/19 based on Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC). The City of Sydney is... -
From Transport Air Quality Data
Air pollution has a significant impact on human health and the economy. Air quality in Sydney is usually very good by international standards. For more information about air... -
From City of Sydney Emissions factors used for GPC carbon inventory
Emissions factors used to calculate GHG emissions from all the activities in the City of Sydney's 2018/19 carbon inventory. Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Area-based Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) projects
This dataset identifies the project boundaries for registered Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) area based projects. Area based projects are generally savanna burning and... -
From data.gov.au CTD Niskin data for the BROKE_WEST survey
3 litres of seawater were collected every 2nd CTD (conductivitiy, temperature and depth) cast on every CTD transect of the BROKE-West voyage. 7 CTD transects were completed on... -
From data.gov.au State and territory CO2e emissions per capita
State and territory emissions per capita of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) from Australia's National Greenhouse Accounts. -
From data.gov.au Australia's forests at a glance 2017
Overview Australia's forests at a glance 2017 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and commercial plantations. Much of the data... -
From data.gov.au Australia's forests at a glance 2015
Australia's Forests at a Glance 2015 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and industrial plantations. Much of the data is current... -
From data.gov.au Australia's forests at a glance 2014
Australia's Forests at a Glance 2014 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and industrial plantations. Much of the data is current... -
From data.gov.au 2016 SoE Antarctic environment Annual estimated emissions of carbon dioxide...
Estimated emissions for stations, shipping and aircraft, total Antarctic and Kingston support (excluding commercial flights and non-fleet vehicle) Information obtained from...