Rental Bond Holdings
The number of residential rental bonds held is provided by postcode. -
End of Tenancy Survey
NSW Tenancy laws say how residential tenancy agreements can be ended. Tenancies are usually terminated by the tenant, landlord, the landlord's agent, or by a Tribunal order.... -
From OpenGov NSW Waratah Bonds - Fixed Rate Offer Document
Offer Document for NSW Waratah Fixed Rate Bonds -
From OpenGov NSW Waratah Bonds - Designated Investments Supplementary Offer Document
To be read in conjunction with the Fixed Rate Offer Document for Fixed Rate Bonds Issued as Designated Investments -
From OpenGov NSW Waratah Annuity Bond Offer Document
No notes provided Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Treasury Bond Issuance
Issuance via tender or syndication.