From SEED Community Wildlife Survey (NSW Government)
The Community Wildlife Survey is used to determine the presence or absence of koalas and other wildlife across NSW (crowd-sourced data) and the community’s perceptions of change... -
Ausplay Survey
The AusPlay Survey (AusPlay) is a large scale national population tracking survey funded and led by Sport Australia that: Is the largest and most comprehensive survey of its... -
Participation in social and economic life Dashboard
The data within this dashboard shows how we are performing against our objective to encourage and assist seniors, women and people with disability to participate in social and... Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au 2016 SoE Antarctic environment Antarctic participation
Participation in the Australian Antarctic Program reported by financial year, beginning on 1 July for 1987-1988 to 2014–2015. Participation is measured in ‘expeditioner years’...