From City of Sydney Aboriginal history places
Location and summary information of places that have historical associations for Aboriginal people. Visit the interactive map More information on Aboriginal history places -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Aboriginal Land) 2019
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021 as part of the Department's... -
From City of Sydney Aboriginal History Explorer
Location and summary information of places that have historical associations for Aboriginal people. Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0
This is a superseded dataset, the most recent Australia's Indigenous land and forest estate spatial dataset can be found at:... -
From data.gov.au Australia’s Indigenous forest estate (2013)
This is a superseded dataset, the most recent Australia's Indigenous land and forest estate spatial dataset can be found at:... -
From data.gov.au Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report
The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (OID) report measures the wellbeing of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The report provides information about...