From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy No 70-Affordable Housing...
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 as part of the Department's initiative... -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Primary Production and...
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Primary Production) 2021 as part of the Department's... -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Kosciuszko National...
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Regional) 2021 as part of the Department's... -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production...
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Resources & Energy) 2021 as part of the... -
From ePlanning State Environmental Planning Policy No 65-Design Quality of Residential...
The data represents Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or...
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 as part of the Department's initiative... -
From Flood Data Portal Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Plan - Planning
Includes cadastre and LEP 1991 region -
From Transport Public Transport - Realtime Trip Update v2
Stop time updates for active trips, replacement vehicles, and changed stopping patterns in GTFS-realtime format for Metro and Sydney Trains. -
From Transport Peak Trains Load Survey - March 2016
This dataset provides estimates of train loads during the AM and PM peak periods - derived from a survey held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 March 2016 to 17 March... -
From Transport Public Transport - Realtime Trip Update
Stop time updates for active trips, replacement vehicles, and changed stopping patterns in GTFS-realtime format for Buses, Ferries, Light Rail, Trains, Metro and Regional Bus... -
From Transport Timetables Complete TransXChange
Static timetables and stop locations in TransXChange (TXC) format for all operators, including regional and private operators and routes not currently available in realtime... -
From Transport Trip Planner APIs
Create your own personal public transport trip planner. APIs interact with the transportnsw.info trip planner and provide the ability for NSW public transport trip planning,... -
From Transport Public Transport - Location Facilities and Operators
Operator contact details and location facilities for train stations, ferry wharves and bus interchanges. Gateway API is provided for legacy applications, this data is no longer... -
From Transport Regional Bus Fares
Throughout NSW there are buses that run within and between regional centres and towns, the fares for these buses are calculated based on the Fare Band and Number of sections... -
From City of Sydney Developing Sydney: 1900 – 1920
The City Building Surveyor’s Department used photography to document the city’s profound transformation in the first two decades of the 20th century. These photographs... -
From City of Sydney Explore early photographs of Sydney
From 1900, City Building Surveyor’s department of council began hiring professional photographers to document ‘old, insanitary and ruinous’ buildings when they were condemned,... -
From City of Sydney Walking count sites
Twice a year we carry out walking count surveys to give us a picture of walking trends across the local area. The counts take place at around 100 locations from 6am to midnight... -
From Spatial NSW Bush Fire Prone Land
Bush Fire Prone Land is mapped within a local government area, which becomes the trigger for planning for bush fire protection. Bush Fire Prone Land mapping is intended to... -
From Transport Property Acquisition Data
This data is provided by NSW Government Property Acquisitions. The NSW Government is committed to delivering a fair, equitable, and consistent land acquisition process that... -
From Transport Smart Cities Macquarie Park
Macquarie University and the City of Ryde Council installed pedestrian-counting sensors throughout Macquarie Park, as part of a project to ease congestion in the growing...