From SEED FireTools Cloud Results - NPWS Greater Sydney Branch
FireTools Cloud is a web-based GIS processing environment developed by the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, a NSW focused research partnership between the NSW... -
From SEED FireTools Cloud Results - NPWS South Coast Branch
FireTools Cloud is a web-based GIS processing environment developed by the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, a NSW focused research partnership between the NSW... -
From SEED FireTools Cloud Results - NPWS Southern Ranges Branch
FireTools Cloud is a web-based GIS processing environment developed by the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, a NSW focused research partnership between the NSW... -
From SEED FireTools Cloud Results - NPWS West Branch
FireTools Cloud is a web-based GIS processing environment developed by the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub, a NSW focused research partnership between the NSW... -
NSW Bush Fire Prone Land
The NSW Bush Fire Prone Land dataset is a map prepared in accordance with the Guide for Bush Fire Prone Land Mapping (BFPL Mapping Guide) and certified by the Commissioner of... -
From SEED NSW Bush Fire Prone Land
Bush Fire Prone Land is mapped within a local government area, which becomes the trigger for planning for bush fire protection. Bush Fire Prone Land mapping is intended to... -
From Spatial NSW Bush Fire Prone Land
Bush Fire Prone Land is mapped within a local government area, which becomes the trigger for planning for bush fire protection. Bush Fire Prone Land mapping is intended to... -
From SEED NSW post-fire debris flow susceptibility map
Debris flows are extremely damaging and dangerous post-fire hazards that can cause significant short- and long-term impacts to rivers and aquatic ecosystems, water quality, and... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Cocoparra National Park and Cocoparra Nature Reserve. VIS_ID 792
Vegetation map from Whiting, E. (1997). Sixteen vegetation units are described and mapped from air photo analysis and other observations made during the survey. Comments also... -
From SEED NPWS Fire History - Wildfires and Prescribed Burns
FireHistory is a feature class that holds final fire boundaries for every year for which there is data. Within the feature class are two subtypes Wildfire (FireType 1) and... -
From SEED Palerang Local Land Service (LLS) Biometric Vegetation. VIS_ID 4209
This dataset provides input to the Palerang LGA Bush Fire Prone Land Map, which comprises this Bush Fire Vegetation map plus buffers created in accordance with the Guideline for... -
From Spatial NSW Historical Bush fire Boundaries WebApp
This dataset is a filtered product from “The Historical Bush fire Boundaries” dataset which is available here. Below filters are applied to “The Historical Bush fire Boundaries”... -
From OpenGov New bridge and approaches at the Woronora River, Woronora: supplementary...
This Review of Environmental Factors (REF) has been prepared as a supplementary environmental assessment to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared in 1990 for the... -
From Spatial NSW Fire History AFAC
Access APIMetadata Portal Metadata InformationContent TitleNSW Fire HistoryContent TypeHosted Feature LayerDescriptionNSW Fire History dataset in AFAC schemaInitial Publication... -
From SEED NSW Post-fire Biomass Recovery Monitoring by Remote Sensing
Observational monitoring of post-fire biomass recovery at the landscape scale is important to help us understand drivers of recovery processes, identify vulnerable ecosystems... -
From SEED NPWS Overall Fuel Hazard Assessment (OFH)
This dataset contains a standardised assessment of the Overall Fuel Hazard at a location and point in time. NPWS requires a consistent and defendable fuel assessment process to... -
From SEED Offices of the Planning and Environment Cluster
This point layer contains all offices or work locations where Planning, Environment and Heritage Group (EHG), Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT), Environmental Protection... -
From SEED Google Earth Engine Burnt Area Map (GEEBAM)
PLEASE NOTE: GEEBAM is an interim product and there is no ground truthing or assessment of accuracy. Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) data should be used for accurate... -
From Spatial NSW Fire History
Access APIMetadata Portal Metadata InformationContent TitleNSW Fire HistoryContent TypeHosted Feature LayerDescriptionNSW Fire History dataset in AFAC schemaInitial Publication...