From SEED Native vegetation extant in Central West Catchments. VIS_ID 3844
This layer represents an attempt to use existing layers masked by a landuse layer to represent the native vegetation that, as of 2006, occured across the administration areas of... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Map of the City of Wagga Wagga, 2004. VIS_ID 1559
DEC (2004) The Native Vegetation and Threatened Species of the City of Wagga Wagga. Floristic sampling of 172 survey sites, combined with data from the Southern CRA Forest... -
From SEED Study Area - Biodiversity Management Plan Central Coast
The Central Coast Regional Biodiversity Management Plan constitutes the national regional recovery plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999... -
From SEED Natural Vegetation of the Katoomba 1:100 000 map sheet VIS_ID 977
This data set is a map belonging to the 1:100 000 vegetation map series. The map has been published by KEITH, D.A. and BENSON, D.H. (1988) in the ecological journal of the Royal... -
From SEED Natural Vegetation of the Kiama 1:100,000 map sheet. Benson D.H., Howell J....
Benson and Howell (1994) Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Vegetation Mapping - Explanatory Notes for the Moss Vale - Kiama 1:100 000 Vegetation Map Sheets. Composition and extent of... -
From SEED Natural Vegetation of the Howes Valley 1:100,000 map sheet. Benson D.H.,...
Benson and Howell (1995) Composition and extent of the present natural vegetation within the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment area found on the Howes Valley 1:100 000 map sheet 9032,... -
From SEED Watsons Creek National Park vegetation map, 2017. VIS_ID 4694
In 2017, the Northern Tablelands office of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) commissioned Eco Logical Australia (ELA) to conduct a comprehensive vegetation survey... -
From SEED High Environmental Values of the Illawarra Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 16 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED New South Wales Murray Catchment Pre-European Broad Vegetation Types. VIS_ID 4108
Very Little is known about the origins of this data set. It is assumed to be created circa 1953, based in part (at least) on the report by C.W.E. Moore (1953) The vegetation of... -
From SEED Cobbora State Conservation Area Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 4014
The composition and extent of the present vegetation within Cobbora State Conservation Area is described and mapped. Fifteen quadrat-based sites were sampled, with intensive... -
From SEED Eusdale Nature Reserve Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3982
Initially part of Sunny Corner SF , Eusdale NR was mapped by NSW State Forests prior to ownership by NPWS. Additional gaps in the vegetation mapping have been filled by local... -
From SEED Vegetation map of Kinchega National Park. VIS_ID 1035
The vegetation of Kinchega National Park in far western NSW was assessed using sampling of 171 full floristic quadrats in 1996-97, stratified by land systems. Fifteen vegetation... -
From SEED Native vegetation map: Cohuna, Conargo, Echuca, Mathoura, Moulamein, Tuppal...
Native vegetation, including forest, woodland and grass/forbland assemblages, is described and mapped as part of the Native Vegetation Mapping Program (NVMP). Floristic... -
From SEED Native vegetation of the Tottenham 1:100 000 VIS_ID 1600
This map describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Tottenham 1: 100 000 map sheets. Native vegetation includes both woody (i.e. open forests, woodlands... -
From SEED High Environmental Values of the South East Tablelands Planning Region - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 16 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED High Environmental Values for the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan Area
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 5 criteria and a larger number of sub-criteria input data sources. These are outlined in the... -
From SEED High Environmental Value Central Coast Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 15 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From ePlanning Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
The Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard (BAM market sales dashboard) provides current sales data for biodiversity credits created using the Biodiversity Assessment... -
From SEED Bingara State Conservation Area Derra Derra Section Vegetation 2009 VIS_ID 4712
Bingara CCA Zone 3 State Conservation Area Derra Derra Section vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in July 2009 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland... -
From SEED Bathurst District Vegetation Survey - Weddin Mountains National Park. VIS_ID 1013
Vegetation map of Weddin Mountains National Park. Vegetation descriptions from Boden, R. & Mitchell, L. (1996). Bathurst Vegetation Survey. Unpublished report by ERM...