From SEED Study Area - Biodiversity Management Plan Gondwana World Heritage Area
The Gondwana World Heritage Area Study Area Biodiversity Management Plan constitutes the national regional recovery plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity... -
From SEED NSW Air Quality Data Services
Air Quality Data Services is the trusted source of air quality and meteorological data from the NSW Air Quality Monitoring Network. The data is being made freely available... -
From SEED NSW Native Vegetation Extent (2008) ver0.1 MODISfpc classification.
A dataset of Native Vegetation Extent for NSW, prepared for the NRAC grassland mapping project NRP009 PART B. Raster grid, NSWVEGEXT08, with a land cover classification... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) Vegetation Extent. VIS_ID 4172
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Namoi and Border Rivers Gwydir Catchments composite vegetation map (2008) -...
A single consistent vegetation map was complied for the Namoi and Border Rivers Gwydir CMA Catchments from numerous existing vegetation datasets. The line work was attributed... -
From SEED Commonwealth Heritage List
These data provide locational and attribute information for places on the Commonwealth Heritage List as determined by the Australian Government Department of the Environment,... -
From ePlanning Vegetation surveys and mapping of the Crinolyn and Windella Ramsar sites of...
This dataset is the Plant Community Type (PCT) mapping for the Crinolyn and Windella Ramsar sites of the Gwydir wetlands based on from the tree demographic and full floristic... -
From SEED Acid Sulfate Soils Risk
This project has mapped the occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) along the coast of NSW and provides information that will assist land management and rehabilitation. In their... -
From Flood Data Portal Griffith_Aerodrome Overland Flow Flood Study
INTRODUCTION In recent years, small duration heavy intensity rainfall events associated with thunder storms have shown that the Griffith Aerodrome and associated infrastructure... -
From ePlanning NESP Biodiversity Hub Hunter Marine Park Multi Beam Echo Sounder Surveys
Gridded multi-beam echousounder (MBES) bathymetry data for Hunter Marine Park acquired using NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment MBES system aboard RV Bombora... -
From SEED Gundabooka National Park and State Conservation Area Vegetation 2021 VIS_ID 5108
Eco Logical Australia was commissioned by the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to undertake vegetation survey,... -
From ePlanning NSW Koala Likelihood Map v2.0 (August 2019)
The Koala Likelihood Map (KLM) predicts the likelihood of finding a koala relative to other arboreal mammals across a 10-km grid covering NSW. It is built using existing... -
From SEED Kajuligah Nature Reserve vegetation map. VIS_ID 3977
Vegetation types present on Kajuligah were interpreted from aerial photography onto air photo overlays. Source of digital version of the map is unknown. 1:60,000 scale air... -
From SEED Joint Vegetation Mapping Project: Brigalow Belt South Bioregion, Predicted...
The JVMP has produced a "predicted potential vegetation distribution model" that showed the potential for a particular vegetation group, expressed as a probability, to occur in... -
From SEED Hunter Wetlands National Park (Kooragang Island) Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 390
This particular mapping of Kooragang Island (now part of Hunter Wetlands National Park) has unknown origins. It appears to be mapped in the early 2000s. While the linework is... -
From SEED Historical vegetation mapping of the Moira Grass Plains VISID 4190, 4191 & 4192
This study involved mapping changes in forest extent, structure, condition and floristics using three sets of historical aerial photography (1945, 1970 and 1991). Comparisons... -
From SEED Eastern Suburbs of Sydney Banksia Scrub, 2006. VIS_ID 4032
The following maps of known ESBS sites are provided as a guide for land managers to indicate the presence and approximate extent of ESBS in March 2006. They are indicative only... -
From SEED Mount Foxlow-Harrisons Peak Vegetation Map. VIS_ID 4210
A survey by Barrer (1997) of remnant native vegetation in the south-east section of Yarrowlumla Shire identified areas of high or potentially high nature conservation... -
From SEED National Heritage List
These data provide locational and attribute information for places nominated to and included in the National Heritage List as determined by the Australian Government managed by... -
From SEED Lower Hunter Particle Characterisation Study Data Set
Particle chemical speciation and Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) factor concentration dataset for the Lower Hunter Particle Characterisation Study. Note: This workbook...