From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2199
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Guy Fawkes River National Park Vegetation (NW Section) 2000. VIS_ID 4733
Guy Fawkes River National Park north west section vegetation mapping was undertaken by Austeco Pty Ltd (comprising Graham Watson, Greg Elks and Andrew Smith) for Northern... -
From SEED Mutawintji lands vegetation map. VIS_ID 823
The composition and extent of the present vegetation within the Mutawintji Lands, comprising Mutawintji National Park, Historic Site and Nature Reserve, is described and mapped... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2188
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Study Area - Biodiversity Management Plan Northern Rivers
The Northern Rivers Regional Biodiversity Management Plan constitutes the national regional recovery plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1615
Remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is mapped and described. Vegetation boundaries delineated from aerial photographs were transferred to 1:100,000 map sheets and... -
From SEED Persistence of ecosystems (including undiscovered species) (vascular plants)
This indicator measures the proportion of ecosystem diversity that is still existing or likely to persist based on a classification of known and undiscovered taxonomic groupings... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1607
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Vegetation survey and mapping of Cubbo, Etoo and Dewsons Lease sections of...
Vegetation survey and mapping of Cubbo, Etoo and Dewsons Lease sections of the Pilliga SCA, NP and Pilliga West SCA in 2010, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Thirteen... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1609
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1605
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1614
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1603
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Nandewar WRA final vegetation layer - VIS_ID 12 & VIS ID 3881
This project constitutes the Vegetation Mapping and Survey component of the Nandewar WRA Biodiversity Surrogates Project. The Nandewar WRA follows that previously undertaken for... -
From SEED ANZLIC National Nested Grids for NSW - GDA94 Geographic projection (dms)
This set of aligned GIS GeoTIFF template rasters (also called grids) covering NSW and ACT that are aligned with the Australian ANZLIC National Nested Grid (NNG). See the link in... -
From SEED Vegetation and Floristics of Budelah Nature Reserves. VIS_ID 3974
The vegetation and Floristics of Budelah Nature Reserves is described and mapped (scale 1:50 000). Groundtruthing undertaken by NPWS staff have resulted in the identification,... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA East Candidate EECs 2004. VIS_ID 373
Native Vegetation and Candidate Endangered Ecological Community mapping for Kempsey LGA East by GECO Environmental and Kendall and Kendall Ecological consultants in 2004. The... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2189
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Warialda CCAZ1 NP and CCAZ3 SCA Vegetation 2012 VIS_ID 4759
The Warialda CCA Zone 1 National Park and CCA Zone 3 State Conservation Area vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2012 by contract for the NPWS Northern... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Bellata, Gravesend, Horton and Boggabri 1:100 000 Map...
The objective of this project was to accurately define and map the vegetation communities occurring on the Bellata, Gravesend, Horton and Boggabri map sheets (the study area) at...