From SEED Barrington Tops, Mount Royal and Surrounds Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 1764
Data was derived from a vegetation study that was conducted to provide information to NPWS for the development of appropriate fire management strategies for the conservation of... -
From SEED Wetlands Project-Hypothesis 7
IMEF (the Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows) Program was developed in 1998 to monitor the first environmental flow releases across the NSW regulated rivers. It was... -
From SEED IMEF Reports-NSW Statewide
The IMEF program generated multiple reports on program design, methodologies, and outcomes for environmental flow monitoring across NSW. Data was collected until 2012 in a range... -
From SEED Freshwater Turtle
The freshwater turtle dataset comprises observational records collected from various regions within New South Wales (NSW), Australia. These records were obtained through a... -
From SEED NSW Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections, 2022−2050
This dataset contains ‘Business As Usual’, ‘Program/policy abatement as originally designed’ and 'Program/policy abatement as currently tracking' greenhouse gas emission... -
From SEED Dry Rainforest of Mt Kaputar National Park, Deriah Aboriginal Area and...
Dry rainforest and wet Sclerophyll mapping undertaken early 2019 by EcoLogical Australia, contracted by Northern Inland Branch of NSW NPWS. Mapping dry rainforest is a direct... -
From SEED Wongarbon Nature Reserve vegetation map, 2014. VIS_ID 4212
The composition and extent of the present vegetation within Wongarbon Nature reserve is described and mapped. The existing plant community descriptions were classified into... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey and Mapping of Timmallallie National Park Yarrigan...
Vegetation survey and mapping of Timmallallie National Park, Yarrigan National Park and Dandry Gorge Aboriginal Area in 2010, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Thirteen... -
From SEED Climate Change Corridors (Dry Habitat) for North East NSW
The data integrates best available information to delineate broad wildlife corridors, for fauna occupying dry habitat, along climatic gradients. The objective of the layer is to... -
From SEED The Native Vegetation of the Woronora OHares and Sydney Metropolitan...
This layer contains digital vegetation mapping of the NPWS (2003) Native vegetation of the Woronora, O'Hares and Metropolitan Catchments. NSW National Parks and Wildlife... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Foraging Habitat Vegetation Types (GRID)
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under state and Commonwealth... -
From SEED A Vegetation Survey in the Macquarie Region, New South Wales VIS_ID 818
Biddiscombe, E.F. (1963) Vegetation Survey in the Macquarie Region, NSW. Division of Plant Industry Technical Paper No. 18. CSIRO, Melbourne. Description of the native... -
From SEED Southern CRA - Riverina Highlands Mapping Extension, Biolinks
This project was carried out by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Southern CRA Unit for the Riverina Highlands Regional Vegetation Management Committee (RVMC). Two... -
From SEED Natural Vegetation of the Ana Branch - Mildura 1:250 000 map sheets VISIID_1873
This data set is a map belonging to the 1:250 000 vegetation map series. This paper includes a detailed vegetation map together with a list of 300 species with 33 exotic species... -
From SEED Cape Byron SCA and Arakwal National Park Vegetation Mapping, pre-1750. VIS_ID 3805
The pre-1750 vegetation of the study area (Cape Byron State Conservation Area & Arakwal National Park) was estimated and mapped to the level of subformation where possible.... -
From SEED North West Vegetation Mapping, Moree and Part Walgett Shire. VIS_ID 4169
Dataset has been generated in the National Heritage Trust Project "Vegetation Mapping North West Slopes and Plains" on behalf of the NorthWest Slopes and Plains Vegetation... -
From SEED Acid Sulfate Soils Risk in the Lower Hunter 2008
This project has mapped the occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) in the lower Hunter River floodplain using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. The map provides... -
From SEED Wyong LGA Endangered Ecological Communities EECs Map 2009 VIS ID 3904
Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) for Wyong LGA mapped by Stephen Bell in 2009. This data originates from the vegetation map of 2008 which included a "EEC Equivalent"... -
From SEED Vegetation Map for the Wombeira Land System VIS_ID 1772
Vegetation Map for the Wombeira Land System. Map from report: Dick, R. (1993). The Vegetation of the Wombeira Land System on the Culgoa, Birrie and Narran Rivers in NSW -... -
From SEED Climate Change Corridors for Nandewar and New England Tablelands
Mapping of corridors that may significant for buffering fauna from the impacts of Climate Change. Mapping based on a rapid desktop assessment. The data integrates best available...