From SEED Macleay River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
NSW Interim Native Vegetation Extent
A NSW Native Vegetation Extent layer prepared for the National Land and Water Resources Audit 2008. This represents native vegetation extent at 2006. A number of other useful... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Land Parcel and Property - Cadastral Features
Cadastral Features are made up of the following data held in the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Easement: depicts a right, attached to land (the dominant tenement), to... -
From Spatial Flood Alert Network Shoalhaven LGA
Export DataAccess APIMetadata Portal Metadata InformationContent TitleFlood Alert Network - Shoalhaven LGAContent TypeHosted Feature LayerDescriptionThis layer represents... -
From Flood Data Portal Georges River Flood Data April 28th - May 1st, 1988
This report details the flood gauging operation undertaken on 30th April, 1988 and presents the data collected for the Georges River catchment, Sydney. The Georges River... -
From SEED Joint Vegetation Mapping Project: Brigalow Belt South Bioregion, Extant...
The JVMP produced an extant vegetation model, presented in mapped form, for the BBS bioregion. The map shows the modelled distribution of extant vegetation, identified through... -
From SEED Palerang Local Land Service (LLS) Biometric Vegetation. VIS_ID 4209
This dataset provides input to the Palerang LGA Bush Fire Prone Land Map, which comprises this Bush Fire Vegetation map plus buffers created in accordance with the Guideline for... -
From SEED Forest Ecosystems, Shoalhaven, Validated 2002. VIS_ID 4137
Validating the extent of modelled "rare and vulnerable forest ecosystems" identified during the Southern CRA (Comprehensive Regional Assessment), 1997-2000, was required for... -
From SEED Barrington Tops, Mount Royal and Surrounds Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 1764
Data was derived from a vegetation study that was conducted to provide information to NPWS for the development of appropriate fire management strategies for the conservation of... -
From SEED NSW Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections, 2022−2050
This dataset contains ‘Business As Usual’, ‘Program/policy abatement as originally designed’ and 'Program/policy abatement as currently tracking' greenhouse gas emission... -
From SEED Dry Rainforest of Mt Kaputar National Park, Deriah Aboriginal Area and...
Dry rainforest and wet Sclerophyll mapping undertaken early 2019 by EcoLogical Australia, contracted by Northern Inland Branch of NSW NPWS. Mapping dry rainforest is a direct... -
From SEED Wongarbon Nature Reserve vegetation map, 2014. VIS_ID 4212
The composition and extent of the present vegetation within Wongarbon Nature reserve is described and mapped. The existing plant community descriptions were classified into... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey and Mapping of Timmallallie National Park Yarrigan...
Vegetation survey and mapping of Timmallallie National Park, Yarrigan National Park and Dandry Gorge Aboriginal Area in 2010, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Thirteen... -
From SEED Vegetation Formations and Classes of NSW (version 2) - David A. Keith &...
The data were derived from the compilation, interpretation and adaptation of existing surveys and maps of native vegetation.; ; Keith, D(2002). A Compilation Map of Native... -
From SEED Climate Change Corridors (Dry Habitat) for North East NSW
The data integrates best available information to delineate broad wildlife corridors, for fauna occupying dry habitat, along climatic gradients. The objective of the layer is to... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Communities of Hornsby Shire VIS_ID 2294
Native vegetation communities of the entire Hornsby Shire from Eastwood to Brooklyn and Wisemans Ferry, except for Marramarra National Park, Muogamarra Nature Reserve, Long... -
From SEED Manning River Turtle Survey Report Middle Reaches May 2019
M. purvisi has been assigned to the data-deficient species management stream under the SoS framework, and consequently it is necessary clarify its distribution, status, biology,... -
From SEED The Native Vegetation of the Woronora OHares and Sydney Metropolitan...
This layer contains digital vegetation mapping of the NPWS (2003) Native vegetation of the Woronora, O'Hares and Metropolitan Catchments. NSW National Parks and Wildlife... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Foraging Habitat Vegetation Types (GRID)
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under state and Commonwealth... -
From SEED A Vegetation Survey in the Macquarie Region, New South Wales VIS_ID 818
Biddiscombe, E.F. (1963) Vegetation Survey in the Macquarie Region, NSW. Division of Plant Industry Technical Paper No. 18. CSIRO, Melbourne. Description of the native...