From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Application (LAP)
This spatial dataset identifies the boundaries of land to which a NSW Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan applies including areas which may be excluded or deferred as... -
From SEED City of Armidale strategic plan 2001.
Environmental Impact Statement: City of Armidale strategic plan 2001. -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Urban Release Area
This spatial dataset identifies the land allocated to Urban Release Areas as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The specific EPI which... -
From SEED Cowal Gold Project planning focus document
Environmental Impact Statement: Cowal Gold Project planning focus document -
From SEED NSW Water Dashboards-Planned Environmental Water
Planned environmental water data: A dashboard for planned environmental water accounts and use in NSW. Use the planned environmental water dashboard to view annual accounts for... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Floor Space Ratio
This spatial dataset identifies the maximum floor space ratio that is permitted on land as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Additional Permitted Uses
This spatial dataset identifies lands with additional permitted uses designated beyond those already allowed under a given land use zone as designated by the relevant NSW... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Reservation (LRA)
This spatial dataset identifies land that is reserved for acquisition by an authority of the State or land to which the owner-initiated acquisition provisions in Division 3 of... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Active Street Frontages
This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the land being defined as Active Street Frontages (intended to attract the pedestrian... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Environmentally Sensitive Land
This spatial dataset identifies environmentally sensitive lands that are subject to "Additional Local Provisions" found in Part 6 (or Part 7) of the Local Environment Plan.... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Foreshore Building Line
This data identifies the foreshore building line. Land between this line and the high water mark of the nearest natural waterbody comprises the foreshore area. Development in... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Native Vegetation Protection
The dataset contains Native Veg Protection for the Environmental Planning Instrument. -
From Flood Data Portal 6_FCT FRMS - Flood Planning Layers
FPA - Flood Planning Areas based on the DFE (minor overland, major overland, mainstream) and Flood Planning Level FPCCs - Example Flood Planning Constraint Categories FRPs -... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Obstacle Limitation Surface
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the Obstacle Limitations Surface for certain airports, as designated by the relevant NSW... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Environmental Conservation Area
The layer aims to provide a focus for Environmental Conservation activity and protected areas expansions. -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Drinking Water Catchment
This Spatial dataset shows land that has been identified as the Drinking Water Catchment. Development in the Drinking water catchment land must adhere to local provisions clause... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Riparian Lands Watercourses
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist to reduce impacts in riparian lands and watercourses, as designated by a NSW environmental planning... -
From SEED Greystanes Estate extraction and rehabilitation plan.
Environmental Impact Statement: Greystanes Estate extraction and rehabilitation plan. -
From OpenGov Greater Sydney Drought Response Plan Overview
The Greater Sydney Drought Response Plan sets out how Sydney Water, WaterNSW and the NSW Government will work together to respond to droughts in the future. -
From Flood Data Portal Lansdowne Floodplain Risk Management Plan - Report
Lansdowne Floodplain Risk Management Plan