From SEED Gunyerwarildi National Park Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3999
Vegetation survey and mapping of Gunyerwarildi National Park in 2009, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Four communities were determined based on floristic analysis of 20 x... -
From SEED Bullala National Park Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3998
Vegetation survey and mapping of Bullala National Park in 2009, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Nine communities were determined based on floristic analysis of 20 x 20 m... -
From City of Sydney Open data
Download or connect to open data endpoints Get data Download data as spreadsheet, kml, shapefile or connect to service APIs to stay up to date. Create maps Create maps, analyse... -
From OpenGov Pacific Highway upgrade : embankment material quarry Taree Bypass,...
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is proposing to quarry material from the existing cut batters of the Taree Bypass, approximately 5km south of Taree (refer Figure 1.1). The... -
From OpenGov Herons Creek to Stills Road : upgrading the Pacific Highway : review of...
This review takes into account matters affecting, or likely to affect, the environment as a result of the upgrade of the northbound carriageway of the Pacific Highway from... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Land Cover theme
Land cover is the visible, biophysical cover on the Earth’s surface including trees, shrubs, grasses, soils, exposed rocks and water bodies, as well as anthropogenic elements... -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Murray Catchment Management Authority Area. VIS_ID...
Native vegetation was delineated into stands using feature recognition software. A hybrid classification method that combined spatial modelling and visual interpretation was... -
From SEED Floodplain Management Plans Spatial Dataset
These datasets represent management units within in-force floodplain management plans across the northern valleys of the Murray-Darling Basin in NSW. The data includes the... -
From SEED 2019/2020 Bushfire Inquiry project water quality dataset
The Integrated Water Quality and Environmental Monitoring Dataset before, during and after the 2019/2020 Bushfires is a comprehensive repository of data compiled from multiple... -
From SEED NSW Koala Prioritisation Project - Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS)
The Koala Prioritisation Project NSW commenced in 2015 and was funded under the Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project to provide support and strategic direction to future... -
From SEED Priority Populations for the NSW Koala Strategy 2021-26
The NSW Koala Strategy identifies 50 koala populations in New South Wales based on the Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) identified by the NSW Government (DPIE 2020),... -
From ePlanning Local Development Performance Monitoring 2005-06
The data in this publication provides an overview of trends in development applications processed by the 152 councils in NSW. In 2006, the Department of Planning introduced a... -
From Spatial NSW Administrative Boundaries Theme - National Park and Wildlife Services Reserve
Export Data Access APIAdministrative Boundaries Theme - NSW NPWS ReservePlease Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may... -
From SEED NSW Water Dashboard-Water Usage
Usage dashboard: Historical water usage across different regions within NSW, presented by water source, licence category and river section. The Water Usage dashboard is an... -
From SEED Vegetation and Floristics of the Ledknapper Nature Reserve VIS_ID 906
The vegetation of Ledknapper NR is described and mapped. Seven communities are defined based on classification (Kulczynski association) with further sub-assemblages described.... -
From SEED Vegetation and floristics of Gilwarny and Wingadee Nature Reserves. VIS_ID 3983
Vegetation and floristics of Gilwarny and Wingadee Nature Reserves in 2012, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Seven communities were determined based on floristic analysis... -
From SEED Towarri National Park Vegetation 2001. VIS_ID 666
Vegetation community merged mapping for Towarri National Park by Sue Robertson (original veg survey), Lisa Hill and Travis Peake, 1999 to 2001. Mapping was done from aerial... -
From SEED The Natural Vegetation of North Western NSW VIS ID 825
This map has been published by PICKARD, J. and NORRIS, E.H. (1994) in the ecological journal of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cunninghamia 3(3): 423-464. The pre-settlement... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA West Potential EECs 2007. VIS_ID 375
GHD Pty Ltd (GHD) has been engaged by Kempsey Shire Council (KSC) to prepare a Vegetation Distribution Map and Endangered Ecological Communities Map for the portion of the Shire... -
From SEED Historic Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1616
Historic (1972-78) remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is mapped and described. Vegetation boundaries delineated on 1:100,000 orthophoto map sheets and digitised...