From SEED Garrawilla National Park Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3991
Vegetation survey and mapping of Garrawilla National Park in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Five communities were determined based on floristic analysis of 20 x 20... -
From SEED NSW Estuary Temperature, pH and salinity data
Data on NSW Estuary Temperature, pH and salinity with associated physical and morphological data. Makes public the data used in paper: Scanes E, Scanes P and Ross P Climate... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Killonbutta Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4765
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Killonbutta Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale.... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Mandangery Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4764
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Mandangery Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale.... -
From SEED Habitat Mapping in the NSW Riverina Bioregion VIS_ID 826
Map derived from Roberts, I. & Roberts, J. (March 2001). Plains wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) Habitat Mapping - Including Woody Vegetation and other Landscape Features.... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Cookamidgera Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4767
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Cookamidgera Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale.... -
From SEED Lachlan Valley NP - Kiacatoo Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4766
Vegetation community mapping for Lachlan Valley National Park - Kiacatoo Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Two Plant... -
From SEED Exeter Quarry extension : environmental impact statement 1999 /
For the past 20 years, high quality basalt products have been produced at Exeter Quarry and distributed to markets in the Southern Highlands, Sydney metropolitan area,... -
From SEED Natural Vegetation of the Pooncarie 1:250000 map sheet VIS ID 972
The composition and extent of the present natural vegetation on the Pooncarie 1:250,000 mapsheet bounded by the latitudes 33deg 00min and 34deg 00min S and longitudes 142deg... -
From SEED Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve Vegetation 2011 VIS_ID 4743
Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2011 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Little Llangothlin Nature... -
From SEED Forest Ecosystem Classification and Mapping for the Southern CRA Region VIS_ID 3789
The project objective was to prepare a map of forest ecosystems for the Southern CRA Region. Based on the JANIS criteria (JANIS 1997), forest ecosystems are intended to act as... -
From SEED Bobbiwaa State Conservation Area Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3987
Vegetation survey and mapping of Bobbiwaa State Conservation Area in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Six communities were determined based on floristic analysis of... -
From SEED Couradda National Park Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3990
Vegetation survey and mapping of Couradda National Park in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Five communities were determined based on floristic analysis of 20 x 20 m... -
From SEED Upper Murray Vegetation, 2005. VIS_ID 4197
NPWS Snowy Mountains Region, Upper Murray Area sought tenders for vegetation mapping of three new reserves within its region in September 2003. The vegetation maps of the... -
From SEED Dapper Nature Reserve Vegetation Map VIS_ID 872
The vegetation of Copperhania, Barton, Dapper & Boginderra Hills NRs, located in central-western NSW, is described and mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 based on field survey... -
From SEED Eden vegetation map v.4 VIS_ID 2501
Distribution of vegetation types defined from quantitative cluster analysis of vascular plant species composition. Map constructed from decision rule model. Eden vegetation... -
From SEED CRAFTI (comprehensive Regional Assessment Aerial Photograhic...
This dataset provides a breakdown of the CRAFTI structural attribute string into individual fields and classifies each of these strings into a naturalness category (CATEGORY)... -
From SEED Grassy Ecosystems in the Upper Catchment of the Shoalhaven River (Southern...
Native grasslands, grassy woodlands and derived grassland of the Upper Catchment of the Shoalhaven River based on multi-temporal satellite imagery. Associated Report: "Remote... -
From SEED Southern Mallee Pre-Clearing Vegetation Map, with Lower Murray Darling...
Map from: Val, J.D. (1998). The Pre-clearing Natural Vegetation of the Southern Mallee Planning Region. Report and Data prepared for the Southern Mallee Regional Planning... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Binnaway Nature Reserve. VIS_ID 840
The composition and extent of the present vegetation in Binnaway Nature Reserve is described and mapped at 1:50 000 scale from quadrat samples, field traverses and aerial...