From SEED Paroo Darling National Park (Mt Murchison and Wilga areas), Vegetation...
Vegetation Mapping undertaken for the Mt Murchison and Wilga areas of Paroo Darling National Park at 1:50,000 scale. Eighteen vegetation communities were identified and mapped.... -
From SEED Yessabah Nature Reserve Vegetation Mapping 2001 and 2007. VIS_ID 742
Vegetation Community Mapping for Yessabah Nature Reserve by P.Kendall 2001 & 2007. A Mid North Coast NPWS Region Contract. Includes growth stages for 2001 and 2007. Mapping... -
From SEED Brushy Hill Nature Reserve Vegetation 2011. VIS_ID 4099
Vegetation community mapping for Brushy Hill Nature Reserve by John Hunter, June 2011. An Upper Hunter Area NPWS Region contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Five communities are... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Ben Lamond 1:25000 map sheet VIS_ID 241
The composition and extent of the present natural vegetation on the Ben Lamond 1:25,000 mapsheet is described and mapped in terms of floristics, structure and disturbance; ;... -
From SEED Kosciuszko National Park Alpine Vegetation 1966 VIS_ID 4842
Alpine and subalpine areas were mapped by Dane Wimbush in 1966. A map entitled "Kosciusko Primitive Area : Vegetation and associated features" was produced from this mapping by... -
From SEED Vegetation of Brigalow Park and Claremont Nature Reserves, 2006. VIS_ID 4024
The vegetation of Brigalow Park and Claremont Nature Reserves is described and mapped (scale 1:50 000). Five communities were mapped based on ground truthing, air photo... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Backwater 1:25000 Map Sheet VIS_ID 242
The composition and extent of the present natural vegetation on the Guyra 1:25,000 mapsheet is described and mapped in terms of floristics, structure and disturbance... -
From SEED Eusdale Nature Reserve Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4768
Vegetation community mapping for Eusdale Nature Reserve by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Six Plant Community Types are... -
From SEED Vegetation of Kirramingly Nature Reserve and surrounding areas. VIS_ID 3973
Vegetation Survey of Kirramingly Nature Reserve and surrounding areas. 22 site based surveys recorded the distribution and abundance of 140 species of vascular plants, resulting... -
From SEED Khappinghat Nature Reserve Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 379
Vegetation community mapping of Khappinghat Nature Reserve by Bob Wilson, 2000. Selective field sampling (ground truthing) was undertaken in 1992 (for the former nature... -
From SEED Guy Fawkes River National Park Vegetation (SE Section) 1999. VIS_ID 328
Vegetation community mapping for Guy Fawkes River National Park by Greg Elks, 1999 for Austeco Pty Ltd. A Dorrigo NPWS District contract so it therefore covers the South East... -
From SEED Nymboida National Park Vegetation 2000 VIS_ID4752
Nymboida National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Andrew Benwell in 2000 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Nymboida National Park is located 50km... -
From SEED The Native Vegetation Of The Woodford And Erskine Ranges, Kings Tableland...
The distribution and composition of the native vegetation of the Erskine and Woodford Ranges, Kings Tableland and Katoomba Escarpment within Blue Mountains National Park.; ;... -
From SEED Camerons Gorge NR and SCA Vegetation 2008. VIS_ID 3821
Vegetation community mapping for Camerons Gorge Nature Reserve and State Conservation Area by Eco Logical Pty Ltd, 2008. A Hunter NPWS Region Contract. The survey and mapping... -
From SEED Towarri National Park Vegetation 1999. VIS_ID 667
Vegetation mapping for the Central Northern section of Towarri National Park by Travis Peake in 1999. This older dataset was retained as it appears more detailed for the area it... -
From SEED Boorook State Forest Vegetation 1999_2006 VIS_ID 4717
Boorook State Forest vegetation mapping was undertaken by John Hunter? sometime from 1999 to 2006 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tablelands Region. The small mapped area of... -
From SEED Bebo State Forest Vegetation 2008 VIS_ID 4710
Bebo State Forest (adjoining small portion) vegetation mapping was undertaken by John Hunter? in 2008 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tablelands Region. The small mapped area... -
From SEED Yanga National Park Vegetation Map 2008. VIS_ID 3872
Vegetation communites of Yanga National park(SCA and NR) 2008 were mapped by updating the linework and attributes of the 2005 Yanga National Park (McCosker 2005) using digital... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Guyra 1:25000 map sheet VIS_ID 240
The composition and extent of the present natural vegetation on the Guyra 1:25,000 mapsheet is described and mapped in terms of floristics, structure and disturbance.... -
From SEED Euroka Nature Conservation Trust Property Vegetation 2010 VIS_ID 4729
Euroka Nature Conservation Trust Property vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2010 by contract for the Nature Conservation Trust. The Euroka Property is...