From SEED Lord Howe Island Vegetation Map VIS ID 1113
Lord Howe Island vegetation map. Numerous traverses made to sample the vegetation, quantitative data recorded from sites. Map prepared from API, field checking and... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Transport - Maritime Associated Facilities
Various other facilities associated with the Maritime dataset. The following are facility points and lines related to transport. Wharf: any structure on a waterfront designed to... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Newcastle 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. Soil... -
From SEED Coastal Vegetation of North East NSW. VIS ID 3885
Fine scale vegetation mapping for areas of coastal north east NSW undertaken by Steve Griffiths and Bob Wilson from 1984 to 2012. The mapping includes all large and many smaller... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Penrith 1:100,000 sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Baan Baa 1:100,000 Sheet, Liverpool Plains portion
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of eastern and central NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 or 1:250,000 topographic sheets. However... -
From SEED Soil and Land Degradation Management for the HGL of the Australian Capital...
This dataset supersedes all earlier versions of 'Soil and Land Degradation Management for the HGL of the Australian Capital Territory'. It incorporates HGL boundary and... -
From OpenGov Taronga Zoo Wharf upgrade : review of environmental factors
Transport for NSW proposes to upgrade the Taronga Zoo wharf (the proposal) as part of the Transport Access Program (TAP) which includes both landside and waterside upgrade... -
From OpenGov Taronga Zoo Wharf upgrade : review of environmental factors
Transport for NSW proposes to upgrade the Taronga Zoo wharf (the proposal) as part of the Transport Access Program (TAP) which includes both landside and waterside upgrade... -
From SEED State Heritage Register - Centroids
A point dataset maintained by the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on behalf of the Heritage Council of NSW. The data applies to a listing... -
From SEED Hunter Wetlands National Park Vegetation 1966. VIS_ID 388
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996... -
From SEED Hunter Wetlands National Park Vegetation 1954. VIS_ID 387
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996... -
From SEED Hunter Wetlands National Park Vegetation 1850. VIS_ID 386
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996... -
From SEED Pre-1750 Vegetation of the South-Eastern part of South Western Slopes...
Pre-1750 model of vegetation types of the south-eastern part of the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion. VIS_ID 4103 -
From SEED Sydney Urban Bushland Biodiversity (Pre-European) 1997. VIS_ID 4104
The 1995-96 Western Sydney Urban Bushland Survey was the first of a series of survey programs for the Sydney region. The survey focuses on the Cumberland Plain region of western... -
From SEED Biolandscapes, South Western Slopes,Lachlan. Pre-European. VIS_ID 4096
The dataset shows the pre-1750 native vegetation as vegetation communities in relation to soil parent material, for an adjusted area of the NSW South Western Slopes (NSS) IBRA... -
From SEED Biolandscapes, South Western Slopes, Murray Extant. VIS_ID 4125
The dataset shows the extant native vegetation as vegetation communities in relation to soil parent material, for an adjusted area of the NSW South Western Slopes (NSS) IBRA... -
From SEED NPWS Areas
The National Parks and Wildlife Service Park Operation Areas is a polygon layer that includes the 37 Areas that were finalised in October 2017. They will officially be adopted... -
From Flood Data Portal Eden, Twofold Bay, Towamba River Flood Study - Peak Grids
Contours, Depth, Velocity, Water Level -
From Flood Data Portal Allans Creek Catchment - Erosion & Sedimentation Study & Riparian Lands...
Report, Appendices and Annexures