From SEED Vegetation Mapping of OHares Creek Catchment including Dharawal Nature...
Vegetation mapping of O'Hares Creek catchment completed by D. Keith, NPWS to accompany Cunninghamia Volume 3 Number 3, 1994, Royal Botanic Gardens -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves VIS_ID 2332
This shapefile has been produced to accompany the report "The Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves". Prepared by the Conservation Assessment and Data Unit,... -
From SEED Yanga Vegetation Mapping: Historical Community Extent and Condition VIS_ID 3782
Mapping of vegetation was undertaken for Yanga National Park (NP), Yanga Nature Reserve (NR) and Yanga State Conservation Area (SCA) from aerial photography for the years of... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Thalgarrah map sheet VIS_ID 235
The composition and extent of the present natural vegetation on the Guyra 1:25,000 mapsheet is described and mapped in terms of floristics, structure and disturbance; ;... -
From SEED Eden CRA Floristics. VIS_ID 4138
Eden CRA (Comprehensive Regional Assessments) floristics digital map data. Further information about the mapping of forest canopy floristic classes etc in the Eden CRA region... -
From SEED Biolandscapes, South Western Slopes, Lachlan Extant. VIS_ID 4124
The dataset shows the extant native vegetation as vegetation communities in relation to soil parent material, for an adjusted area of the NSW South Western Slopes (NSS) IBRA... -
From SEED Change in the distribution of Cumberland Plain Woodland. VIS_ID 3785
As part of a re-assessment of the status of Cumberland Plain Woodland, this study aimed to determine changes in the distribution of the community since November 1998. VIS_ID 3785 -
From SEED Bushland Survey - Baulkham Hills Shire VIS_ID 2236
List of trees and some groundcover species for parks in Castle Hill - Baulkham Hills area with recommendations on bushland management. GREENING AUSTRALIA URBAN BUSH MANAGEMENT... -
From SEED Demon Nature Reserve Vegetation 1998 VIS_ID 4724
Demon Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by ERM Mitchell McCotter Pty Ltd in 1998 with assistance from John Hunter by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland... -
From SEED Stockton Vegetation 1995. VIS_ID 628
Vegetation mapping of Stockton area including Worimi National Park, Regional Park and State Conservation Area. The Stockton Vegetation map, along with the Condition map, was... -
From SEED Quorrobolong Scribbly Gum Woodland. VIS_ID 4084
Unknown provenance. A search of data and literature has not revealed the source of this layer. The files dates are from 2003 so the data is at least this old. The community is... -
From SEED Greater Taree LGA Vegetation 2006. VIS_ID 3911
Greater Taree LGA Vegetation mapping. A revision of existing vegetation maps undertaken in 1997? Aerial photograph interpretation of the vegetation of the Greater Taree City... -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Miscellaneous Consent...
This State Environmental Planning Policy was repealed on 31 January 2020. This historical record represents Miscellaneous Consent Provisions for SEPP 2007. The data and resource... -
From SEED ALOS Woody biomass (50m) 2009
This raster represents the above ground vegetation biomass at 50m resolution. It is based on radar imagery from the Palsar instrument on the Japanese ALOS satellite, and is... -
From ePlanning State Environmental Planning Policy No 65-Design Quality of Residential...
The data represents Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
From ePlanning Rectified and radiometrically corrected SPOT imagery. 2008-2010
These are the pre-processed SPOT images that are used to generate all other SPOT products. They are rectified to a map projection and adjusted for the effects of the atmosphere,... -
From SEED Yanga Vegetation Mapping: Historical Community Extent and Condition VIS_ID 3784
Mapping of vegetation was undertaken for Yanga National Park (NP), Yanga Nature Reserve (NR) and Yanga State Conservation Area (SCA) from aerial photography for the years of... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Bald Blair 1:25000 Map VIS_ID 237
Bald Blair 1:25,000 vegetation map, one of 8 composite sheets covering the Guyra 1:100,000 map area.; Cunninghamia 6(3). 2000; ; VIS_ID 237 -
From SEED Yanga Vegetation Mapping: Historical Community Extent and Condition VIS_ID 3783
Mapping of vegetation was undertaken for Yanga National Park (NP), Yanga Nature Reserve (NR) and Yanga State Conservation Area (SCA) from aerial photography for the years of... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Muogamarra Nature Reserve VIS_ID 2322
A reprinting with minor revisions including additions to the species list. THOMAS, J. and BENSON, D.H. (updated 1991) Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (unpublished) Coverage: 1:250...