From ePlanning ANUCLIM Annual Mean Temperature raster layer
The Annual Mean Temperature dataset was created using ANUCLIM software and the 1 second SRTM DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data. Climate variables generated by ANUCLIM (Version... -
From ePlanning Natural Capital Evidence Bank (NCEB)
This dataset is part of a large initiative being carried out by the Natural Capital Markets and Accounts (NCMA) branch to produce environmental-economic accounts under the UN-... -
From SEED Eucalypt forest growth stage, Eden RFA area, 2001. VIS_ID 4150
Vector map of eucalypt forest canopy condition, extrapolated to indicate forest growth stage in Eden RFA area. Validated and corrected twice since Eden RFA. Last update 2001.... -
From SEED Gwydir Wetlands and Floodplain Vegetation mapping, 2005. VIS_ID 3921
Vegetation associations of the Gwydir Watercourse were mapped from 1:50,000 scale colour aerial photographs taken during the period 26 August 2005 – 10 October 2005. VIS_ID 3921 -
From SEED South Western Slopes, Murray Pre-European Vegetation. VIS_ID 4106
The dataset shows the modelled pre-1750 vegetation of the NSW South Western Slopes (NSS) IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia) bioregion within the Murray... -
From SEED Reconstructed Vegetation Map of Moree Plains. VIS_ID 929
Reconstructed Vegetation Map of Moree Plains. Digitised from White, M.D. (2002). The distribution and extent of indigenous vegetation in the Moree Plains Shire, prior to... -
From Flood Data Portal Lt Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan - results
WaterRIDE and Tuflow outputs 20yr and 100yr ARI -
From SEED Manning River Turtle Survey Report Northern Catchments May 2019
The second season of surveys during March-April 2019 for the endangered Manning River Helmeted Turtle Myuchelys purvisi across sites in the Manning River Catchment. -
From SEED Yanga Vegetation Mapping: Historical Community Extent and Condition VIS_ID 3781
Mapping of vegetation was undertaken for Yanga National Park (NP), Yanga Nature Reserve (NR) and Yanga State Conservation Area (SCA) from aerial photography for the years of... -
From SEED Rainforest Types, Comprehensive Regional Assessments(CRA) Eden. VIS_ID 4067
Rainforest is a subset of the Eden vegetation classification of Keith & Bedward. Version 4, May 1999. The rainforest encompasses the following floristics assemblage: 1, 5,... -
From SEED Paroo Darling National Park (Wilga area) Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3967
Vegetation Mapping undertaken for the Mt Murchison and Wilga areas of Paroo Darling National Park at 1:50,000 scale. Eighteen vegetation communities were identified and mapped.... -
From SEED Eden CRA - Rare Forest Ecosystems. VIS_ID 4035
Rare Forest Ecosystems are a subset of the Eden vegetation classification of Keith & Bedward (1999). Version 4, May 1999. The Rare Forest Ecosystems are the following... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Cooinda portion of Warrabah National Park. VIS_ID 4375
Vegetation community mapping for the Cooinda portion of Warrabah National Park, 2015. A Northern Tablelands NPWS Region contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. -
From SEED An Estuarine Inventory for New South Wales, Australia VIS_ID 2224
Fisheries oriented inventory that consists of tabular information and an atlas of estuarine wetlands describing 133 estuaries and embayments along the NSW (Australia) coast.... -
From ePlanning Rectified and radiometrically corrected Landsat imagery 1988-2010
These are the pre-processed Landsat images that are used to generate all other Landsat products. They are rectified to a map projection and adjusted for the effects of the... -
From SEED Myall Lakes National Park Central West Vegetation 1996. VIS_ID 496
Vegetation community mapping for the Central West portion of Myall Lakes National Park between Nerong and Mayers Flat. Mapping carried out by Cropper, 1996. -
From SEED Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park Vegetation 1997. VIS_ID 3833
Vegetation of part Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park and Clybucca Aboriginal Area and Historic Site in 1997.; Vegetation mapping undertaken by Shortland Wetland Centre... -
From SEED Vegetation of Mother Of Ducks Nature Reserve 2015 VIS_ID 4372
Vegetation community mapping for Mother Of Ducks Nature Reserve by John T. Hunter, July 2015. A Northern Tablelands NPWS Region contract. VIS_ID 4372 -
From SEED Vegetation Mapping of OHares Creek Catchment including Dharawal Nature...
Vegetation mapping of O'Hares Creek catchment completed by D. Keith, NPWS to accompany Cunninghamia Volume 3 Number 3, 1994, Royal Botanic Gardens -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves VIS_ID 2332
This shapefile has been produced to accompany the report "The Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves". Prepared by the Conservation Assessment and Data Unit,...