From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Preservation for long term sequestration
Preservation is defined as the capacity for coastal blue carbon decomposition to be inhibited due to saline anaerobic conditions, and for long-term sequestration within soils.... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Potential Priority Areas
Combining the ‘NSW Blue Carbon Compatibility Under 2017 Landuse’ (BCC) and ‘NSW Blue Carbon Blue Carbon Indicator’ (BCI) rasters together subsequently provided an indication of... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Permanency in Belowground Sediments
Permanency is defined as the capacity for carbon to be preserved and not reworked under conditions of higher hydrodynamic energy associated with storms and changes to tidal... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon in watersheds of Instream Barriers
Wetland drainage and flood mitigation works have had a profound influence on hydrology, especially hydroperiod and tidal exchange across coastal NSW. Barriers or instream... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Indicator
A blue carbon indicator (BCI) raster dataset was generated by combining the following rasters: NSW Blue carbon store within coastal Quaternary sediments, NSW Blue Carbon... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Generation from existing mangroves and saltmarsh
Generation is defined as the capacity for existing mangrove forests and saltmarshes to contribute to carbon additionality from living biomass, dead organic material, and soil... -
From SEED NSW Blue Carbon Compatibility under 2017 Landuse
Human activities in coastal landscapes also exert both direct and indirect pressures on blue carbon (McLeod et al., 2011). Rogers et al. (2019) accounted for this pressure using... -
NSW Recorded crime statistics
Quarterly recorded crime reports and datasets The quarterly recorded crime reports are available from 2004 and annually from 1997. They contains statistics and graphs relating... -
Cycling Data
These datasets include data from the Sydney Cycling Survey (SCS). The SCS surveys over 11,000 individuals from 4,000 households. It collects information about cyclists, cycling... -
Speeding infringements detected using fixed and mobile speed cameras in NSW...
GIPR19/403 Speeding infringements detected using fixed and mobile speed cameras in NSW in the 2018-19 financial year and images of the top 10 infringements -
Development consents from 1993 to 1998 relating to 9-13 Hay Street (Market City)
GIPR19/69 All development consents from the period 1993 to 1998 (inclusive). On 11 June 2019 the applicant confirmed by email that the determination and permits would suffice,... -
SGE 2015 Legislative Assembly Preferences State-wide
Preference Data for each ballot paper scrutinised at the election (including informal papers) for the Legislative Assembly for every district. Note individual files for each...