From SEED Lake Illawarra entrance works (stage 2) transportation and stockpiling of...
Lake Illawarra entrance works (stage 2) transportation and stockpiling of rock for use in breakwater structures: Review of environmental factors -
From Flood Data Portal Cooks River Catchment Flood Study Stage 1 - report
The Cooks River catchment is a major watershed within Sydney, draining some 103 km2 and is home to 560,265 people (ABS, 2020). As such, Cooks River is a key catchment in terms... -
From SEED Estuary Drainage Catchments
Estuary Drainage Catchment is the hydrological boundary of the catchment draining to each estuary in NSW. There are two spatial layers - a line feature class... -
From SEED HABMAP Multi-beam Survey Coverage Areas
Areas of fine-scale Bathymetric and relative acoustic Backscatter data produced using a mounted Geoswath 125KHZ Interferometric sidescan sonar system, by the HABMAP program.... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Land Parcel and Property - Cadastral Fabric
The Cadastral Fabric is made up of the following features within the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Lot: depicts a parcel of land created on a survey plan. Each lot may... -
From SEED Statement of Environmental Effects for Mummulgum Fine Sand Quarry. Lot 118,...
Statement of Environmental Effects for Mummulgum Fine Sand Quarry. Lot 118, Parish of Mummulgum. DP728233 (SJXK000616BF-CT) (Sept. 1995). -
From SEED Searches for the Black-eared Miner in New South Wales, 1997...
Searches for the Black-eared Miner in New South Wales, 1997 (SJXK0005031K-3C. SJXK00050400-0C) (June. 1998). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Report. For St Paul's Grammar School. 52 Taylor Road...
Flora and Fauna Report. For St Paul's Grammar School. 52 Taylor Road Cranebrook. Proposed Construction of Road (SCAM09062625 to SCAM09062632). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Report. For 10 Ti Tree Place, Wilberforce. Hawkesbury City...
Flora and Fauna Report. For 10 Ti Tree Place, Wilberforce. Hawkesbury City Council Development Application MA 1041-00 (SJAL01071202-03) (Nov. 2000). -
From SEED Environmental Impact Statement. Proposed Coal Preparation Plant and Rejects...
Environmental Impact Statement. Proposed Coal Preparation Plant and Rejects Disposal Area for the Tahmoor Colliery (SJJT0404300B-0S) (Feb. 1976). -
From SEED Clarence Colliery. Lease Extension Flora and Fauna Assessment. Preliminary...
Clarence Colliery. Lease Extension Flora and Fauna Assessment. Preliminary Report. (SJXK0006052M-3T. SJXK0006053U-6M) (Dec.1999). -
From SEED A proposed interim management strategy for the conservation of the...
A proposed interim management strategy for the conservation of the Long-footed Potoroo (Potorous longipes) in New South Wales (Draft. May. 1995). -
From SEED Flora and fauna habitat assessment for a proposed food and wine school...
Flora and fauna habitat assessment for a proposed food and wine school development at Lot 5 DP 864192 Rixons Pass Road Woonona -
From SEED Reviews Environmental Factors 5prescribed burns FBR-2001-1, -3, -5,...
Reviews Environmental Factors 5prescribed burns FBR-2001-1, -3, -5, VH-2001-1, GBL-2001-1 Central lower Blue Mountains 072001 -
From SEED Review of the Fauna Impact Statement prepared by Dr Arthur White for the...
Review of the Fauna Impact Statement prepared by Dr Arthur White for the Walker Corporation PTY Limited, Greenacre - Stage 2 -Biological Review (March 1994). -
From SEED Interim Report on Monitoring of Impacts on Koalas Associated with the...
Interim Report on Monitoring of Impacts on Koalas Associated with the Upgrading and Part Realignment of Old Bogangar Road. (SJAL010504OD-OJ) (June. 1998). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Report. For Building Proposal Lot 10 DP17231, 1-11 Devlin...
Flora and Fauna Report. For Building Proposal Lot 10 DP17231, 1-11 Devlin Road, Castlereagh. (SJAL0107111W - SJAL0107112O) (June. 2000). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Report. For a proposed subdivision of Portion 119 McMahons...
Flora and Fauna Report. For a proposed subdivision of Portion 119 McMahons Road, Kurrajong (SJJT0310020X to SJJT0310073E) (Aug. 2000). -
From SEED Flora and Fauna Report. For 867 Singleton Rd, Wilberforce. Subdivision of...
Flora and Fauna Report. For 867 Singleton Rd, Wilberforce. Subdivision of Lot 75 DP657390 into 6 Lots and one Community Lot (Nov. 2000). -
From SEED Rezoning application report for lands on either side of Caddies Creek...
Rezoning application report for lands on either side of Caddies Creek downstream of the Whitehart Bridge Windsor Road Volume 4 - Appendix F Lot 31