From OpenGov Review of environmental factors for the proposed reconstruction and widening...
Technical papers: E. Traffic forecasts -- F. Noise and air quality study -- G. Flora and fauna studies -- H. Visual and urban environment study -- I. Heritage and archaeological... -
From OpenGov State Highway 11 : Oxley Highway : improvements at the Mooki River and...
This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) presents an assessment of the impact of improving the crossing of the Oxley Highway over the Moold River by constructing a 2.5... -
Quarterly report on services for children and young people
The quarterly report for children and young people consists of five dashboards: responding to child and young person concern reports; assessment of risk of harm; stable and... -
From SEED Enviro Pulse Survey (2020-ongoing)
Survey objectives: The Enviro Pulse Survey provides regular, high level environmental social indicators to several divisions within NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Hunter Region
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Hunter and Central Rivers sub-catchments plus extends to also include the Hunter Local Land... -
From ePlanning Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map
This dataset contains map data relevant to the Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map, as referenced in Chapter 4 of State Environmental Planning Policy... -
From SEED NPWS WildCount Long-term Fauna Monitoring Species Data 2012-2021
The aim of the Wildcount program is to monitor fauna in eastern New South Wales within NPWS estate and identify changes in species populations through Occupancy Modelling.... -
From SEED Wetlands of the lower Mehi River and Ballin Boora Creek: Ecological values...
A total of 25 unique feature types were captured across the lower Mehi River system via on-screen mapping in February 2022. These features include channel beds, forested and... -
From SEED Spatial Layer of Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in NSW
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Hunter / Central Rivers
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Southern Rivers
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Border Rivers / Gwydir
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
The department employs monitoring and research initiatives to track the effectiveness of water management changes in safeguarding and enhancing water-dependent ecosystems. We... -
From SEED SPOT 6/7 Mosaic NSW 2022 Footprint layer
The NSW SPOT67 imagery footprint product is an annual state-wide satellite imagery vector product provided by external suppliers for NSW Government. The first images were... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2008-2009
The NSW SPOT 5 imagery product is a state-wide satellite imagery product provided by the Remote Sensing and Regulatory Mapping team of NSW Government. Capture dates for imagery... -
From SEED SPOT 6/7 Mosaic NSW 2023 Footprint layer
The NSW SPOT67 imagery cutlines product is an annual state-wide satellite imagery vector product provided by external suppliers for NSW Government. The first images were... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase is directly related to the Assets Maintenance System (AMS) which runs under SAP and contains similar... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Dungog 1:100,000 Sheet
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED NSW State-wide Hydrogeological Landscapes 2020 (First Edition)
This integrated state-wide hydrogeological landscapes ( HGL) dataset provides a: * consistent salinity hazard map layer at state-wide scale; * data capture mechanism for all HGL... -
From SEED Boorabee and The Willows IPA Vegetation 2015. VIS_ID 4775
Landmark Ecological Services Pty Ltd (Landmark) was engaged by the Nature Conservation Council (NCC) to conduct fine-scale mapping of vegetation, at Boorabee and The Willows, an...