From OpenGov Wagga Wagga transport plan
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Planning and Environment 2018
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Multicultural Plan 2020 - 2023
No notes provided -
From OpenGov SRWS Corporate Plan 2015
No notes provided -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Zoning
This spatial dataset identifies land use zones and the type of land uses that are permitted (with or without consent) or prohibited in each zone on any given land as designated... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Local Provisions
This spatial dataset identifies land where a variety of planning requirements apply as found in Part 5 'Miscellaneous provisions', or Part 6 'Additional Local Provisions', of... -
From Transport TfNSW Trip Planning Widget
The official Transport for NSW trip planning widget is available to display on your own website. Your customers can plan their own trip and be directed to transportnsw.info. To... -
From City of Sydney Sydney Development Control Plan 2012
Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 GIS data. -
From SEED Conceptual mine plan for Narama
Environmental Impact Statement: Conceptual mine plan for Narama -
From SEED Donaldson Projects amended mining plan.
Environmental Impact Statement: Donaldson Projects amended mining plan. -
From SEED Merewether quarry : draft management plan
Environmental Impact Statement: Merewether quarry : draft management plan -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Heritage (HER)
This spatial dataset identifies areas subject to Heritage conservation as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental Planning... -
These datasets represent management units within in-force water sharing plans across NSW, including regulated, unregulated and groundwater plans (or a combination of these). The... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Key Sites
This spatial dataset identifies land allocated as Key Sites requiring future development to meet standards of design excellence as designated by the relevant NSW environmental... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Reclassification
This spatial dataset identifies public land classified or reclassified as either 'operational land' or 'community land' as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning... -
From Flood Data Portal Weddin - Flood Planning Map - Map
Flood Planning Map -
From Flood Data Portal Conargo - Flood Planning Map - Map
Flood Planning Map -
From SEED Coffs Harbour coastal planning study.
Environmental Impact Statement: Coffs Harbour coastal planning study. -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Reduced Level
This spatial dataset identifies Reduced Level relevant to NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Special Areas
This spatial dataset identifies Special Areas relevant to NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI)