From OpenGov Trip generation and parking generation surveys : housing for seniors :...
In the next decade there will be an increase in the sector of the popluation nearing retirement or reaching 65 years. This brings a need for transportation information and about... -
From OpenGov A traffic signal system for high-speed roads : TARU 3/71
This report describes the development of a traffic signal system for use on high speed roads. The aim of the system is to reduce the risk of driver error by minimising the... -
From OpenGov Crash protection for the sub-teen child : TARU 4/74
This report describes a program of simulated car crashes and examinations designed to evaluate the child restraints currently available in Australia. Each restraint was... -
From OpenGov Anatomical factors in lap/sash seat belt wearing : TARU 7/76
The compulsory use of lap/sash seat belts has improved crash protection of car occupants but belts do not always provide absolute protection and although they assist in... -
From OpenGov Compulsory wearing of seat belts in New South Wales, Australia : an...
In New South Wales, the wearing of seat belts was compelled by a new regulation (Regulation 110F) under the Motor Traffic Act, 1909, in the following terms: "No person shall,... -
From OpenGov Drinking and driving : sociological aspects : TARU 2/72
In providing the means for mobility for countless thousands of people in this highly urbanised and affluent society, the highway system must perforce cater for many individuals... -
From OpenGov Driver training, not the whole answer : TARU 8/81
This paper discusses the value of existing driver training and education programmes and concludes that further research is required in order to find ways of motivating drivers... -
From OpenGov Echuca-Moama Bridge Crossing (NSW) : addendum review of environmental factors
This addendum Review of Environmental Factors (REF) provides a detailed description of the potential environmental impacts associated with the modification proposed for the... -
Convict Indexes
Between 1788 and 1842 about 80,000 convicts were transported to New South Wales. Of these, about 85% were men and 15% were women. Almost two thirds of convicts were English... -
From OpenGov Blood alcohol levels of persons killed in motor traffic accidents : TARU 6/81
Coroners' data on blood alcohol concentrations of fatally injured crash victims in New South Wales are examined. Published data from Victoria and Queensland are summarised. It... -
From OpenGov New Grafton bridge : post-construction operational noise report
The Clarence River Bridge Crossing project in Grafton involved the construction of a new bridge crossing over the Clarence River in Grafton to improve traffic flow for the areas... -
From SEED DustWatch Database
Dust data in an indicator of soil and catchment health. The assumption is that if wind erosion is occurring and dust is being transported away from the site, then the soil is... -
From OpenGov Supplement to M5 East Motorway : environmental impact statement : main report
The structure of this supplement broadly follows that of the 1994 M5 East EIS, and subjects are generally discussed in the same order as they were in the 1994 M5 East EIS. This... -
From OpenGov M5 East traffic analysis : working paper no. 2 : analysis of options : final report
This working paper examines the traffic and transport implications of a range of options to extend the M5 Motorway eastwards from King Georges Road to the east of the Princes... -
From OpenGov Compulsory wearing of seat belts: a feasibility study : TARU 6/70
Analysis is made of the questions to be resolved in the event of a decision at Govenment level to introduce compulsory wearing of seat belts by vehicle occupants generally.... -
From OpenGov Driver behaviour at stop signs : TARU 4/77
In August, 1974, the definition of the STOP sign in New South Wales was changed to correspond with accepted international practice. Driver behaviour was observed at ten open,... -
From OpenGov Technology transfer workshop Sydney, November 1994 : summary papers
PAPERS Paper 1: Welcome from Director, Sydney Region Paper 2: Introduction of Competency Based Training and Assessment for Heavy Vehicle Driver Licensing Brad Markham Paper 3:... -
From Transport Household Travel Survey
Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel... -
From OpenGov Princes Highway upgrade : Termeil Creek : review of environmental factors : volume 2
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) (formerly the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority) proposes to upgrade and realign about 1.6 kilometres of the Princes Highway at Termeil Creek... -
From OpenGov Crash protection for children after their third birthday : TARU 2/78
This report is a statement of philosophy, supported by information gleaned from opinion surveys, crash studies and lab- oratory tests and evaluations. It is intended as a guide...