From Transport Maritime NSW Boat Ramps
This dataset provides the locations of Maritime NSW boat ramps along with details such as the responsible authority, ramp condition, contact details and the available facilities... -
From Transport Transport Local Area Maps
This dataset contains maps depicting the local area around selected train stations, ferry wharves and lightrail stops. These maps are similar to the ones you might find at a... -
From SEED Lake Illawarra Bathymetric Survey 2022/23
Wollongong City Council, Shellharbour City Council and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water engaged a consultant to undertake a contemporary... -
From Transport Maritime NSW Public Moorings
This dataset includes spatial datasets of Maritime NSW Public Moorings locations in the following formats: a searchable api csv geoJSON JSON kml shapefile An interactive map... -
From SEED NSW Land Tenure
Summary: A comprehensive NSW Land Tenure layer has been developed, integrating the latest and most reliable datasets sourced from various governmental authorities and... -
From SEED Inundation Maps for NSW Inland Floodplain Wetlands
Under the NSW DPIE-EES Environmental Water Management Program the distribution and extent of inundation is monitored in large inland floodplain wetland assets which are targeted... -
From SEED Gwydir Wetlands Vegetation 1996. VIS_ID 815
In 1996, extant vegetation associations of the Gingham and Lower Gwydir Floodplain, including the Gingham and the Lower Gwydir watercourses, were mapped from 1:25,000 colour... -
From SEED Central Inland Glossy Black Cockatoo Foraging Habitat
Mapping of Glossy Black-Cockatoo foraging habitat in the Central Inland project area (approximately from Parkes to Narrabri in NSW). The composite vegetation map was derived... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Gwydir Wetlands 2022
This is a vegetation map of the Gwydir wetlands. It was produced using air photo interpretation from high resolution 40cm ADS40 aerial imagery collected in August 2022, and high... -
From SEED State Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Project (SWAMP)
The State Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring Project (SWAMP) is a state wide project responsible for collecting, analysing and reporting the ambient water quality condition... -
From SEED HEVAE Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Value - Murrumbidgee
NSW DoI Water has adopted the Guidelines for Identifying High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystems (HEVAE) framework developed by the Australian Commonwealth Government. In the... -
From Transport Bus Guides for Metro stations
This dataset provides Bus Guides for 13 Metro Stations along the Sydney Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations along the Chatswood to Sydenham extension due to... -
From Transport Train Station Maps (including Metro)
This dataset provides WCAG 2.0 compliant wayfinding maps for 48 Sydney train stations and 13 Metro Stations. Each map displays entrances, lift locations, transport mode... -
From SEED Lachlan River Catchment Wetlands
This regional scale mapping of wetlands in the Lachlan River Catchment was produced to trial methods for Wetland Inventory in NSW. Wetland boundaries were determined by... -
Age profiles of permanent NSW public school teachers (2012-2023)
This dataset provides information on the age profile of permanent government school teachers by school level. Data Notes: Data representing teachers in NSW government schools is... -
From Transport NSW Rest Areas
The NSW Rest Areas dataset provides information on rest area sites managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and other authorities, including local councils and the National Parks... -
From SEED Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit Boundaries
This data records the boundaries of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permits (AHIPs) issued, varied, surrendered or revoked under Section 90a of the National Parks and Wildlife Act... -
From Transport NSW Clearways
Shapefiles for known clearways, bus lanes and transit lanes within Sydney Region. The dataset may not be complete. -
From SEED Sydney Drinking Water Catchment Boundary
Map of the Sydney Drinking Water Catchment as declared (within the meaning of the Water NSW Act 2014) by s 6.60 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and... -
From SEED Midcoast Council - Likely and Occupied Koala Habitat for Kundle, Khappinghat...
The spatial data maps koala populations and habitat for three study areas in the Midcoast LGA of New South Wales. The three study areas, Kundle, Khappinghat and Tea Gardens are...