From SEED Mid North Coast Vegetation (EcoLogical Version). VIS_ID 3886
Two spatial products generated for the Comprehensive Regional Assessment (CRA), namely floristic linework captured by aerial photographic interpretation (API), and a; forest... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Drainage Point
The Drainage Point Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Drainage Point layer includes Stormwater Outlets, Stormwater... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Fence Handrail
The Fence Handrail Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Fence Handrail polyline layer includes either fences or... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Building
The Building Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Building point layer includes Accommodation, Amenities,... -
From SEED Vegetation Map for the Northern Rivers CMA VIS_ID 524
A vegetation map was produced for the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (NRCMA) by integrating two products undertaken for the northern Comprehensive Regional... -
From SEED Available Water Determinations (AWD) (allocation announcement)
A water allocation is the percentage of a licensed water user’s entitlement that is credited to their water account for use. We announce allocations each year on 1 July and... -
From SEED Wingecarribee Fine-scale Native Vegetation Map (TECs) Version v2.1. VIS_ID...
The Wingecarribee Shire LGA Vegetation Mapping Project, a collaboration between the Council and the OEH State Vegetation Mapping Program, has produced three vegetation map... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
"Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NVMP mapping for the Bogan Gate map sheet VIS_ID 1595
Native vegetation, including forest, woodland and grass/forbland assemblages, is described and mapped for the Bogan Gate, Boona Mount, Condobolin, Dandaloo, Tottenham and... -
From SEED Non Woody Disturbance 2020
This layer shows non-woody vegetation change based on the analysis of multi-date Sentinel2 and Planet Maps imagery for 2020 (circa January 1-December 31, 2020) Non-woody change... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Sheep-Wheat Belt Box-Gum Woodland Biodiversity Survey Sites 2004-2007 ....
This spatial layer contains summary flora and fauna biodiversity survey data derived from project specific surveys conducted for the Biodiversity Conservation in the Sheep Wheat... -
From SEED Priority Populations for the NSW Koala Strategy 2021-26
The NSW Koala Strategy identifies 50 koala populations in New South Wales based on the Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) identified by the NSW Government (DPIE 2020),... -
From SEED Translucency Monitoring-Hypothesis 4-Murrumbidgee
Rocky riffles in rivers support a complex community of algae, bacteria, fungi and detritus often held together by a polysaccharide matrix. This biofilm provides food for... -
Human Services Data Hub NGO providers
The Human Services Data Hub aggregates data about human services funded by NSW Government. This dataset lists NGO providers who had active service agreements in 2014/15 and... -
From SEED NSW Extant Native Vegetation (Keith and Simpson 2006) - Version 002
Data represents NSW native vegetation extent, compiled from various vegetation maps using method outlined in (Keith and Simpson 2006). Data is also known as Keith and Simpson... -
From SEED Annual Cover and Management (C-factor)
This landing page is the collection of data packages that support the Modelled Annual Cover and Management (C-factor) over New South Wales for years commencing 2001. Mean Annual... -
From SEED SRTM DEM derived 18 degree or greater - SRTM18
Slopes greater than or equal to 18 degrees derived from the 1 second Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The SRTM >18 layer is a component...