From SEED Myall Lakes National Park Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 495
Vegetation community broad mapping for Myall Lakes National Park by John Hunter in 2000. A Hunter NPWS Region contract. VIS_ID 495 -
From SEED Remnant Vegetation Mapping of the Cumberland Plain (crown cover less than...
Extant vegetation coverage of the Cumberland Plain, Western Sydney. Modelled from Aerial Photographic Interpretation (API) and includes spatial extent of remnants, the... -
From SEED Murray vegetation reserved VIS_ID 2908
The dataset shows extant vegetation of the NSW South Western Slopes (NSS) IBRA bioregion in reservation within the Murray CMA. -
From SEED Nymboi-Binderay National Park Vegetation 1999. VIS_ID 532
Vegetation community mapping for Nymboi-Binderay National Park by Greg Elks, 1999 for Austeco Pty Ltd. A Dorrigo NPWS District contract. VIS_ID 532. -
From SEED Wondoba State Conservation Area Vegetation Mapping VIS ID 3997
Vegetation survey and mapping of Wondoba State Conservation Area in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Four communities were determined based on floristic analysis of... -
From SEED Little River Catchment Biodiversity Assessment VIS_ID 911
Sneddon Briggs and Doyle (2002) Little River Catchment Biodiversity Assessment. Broad scale mapping based multivatiate analysis of plot data modelled across landscpae and... -
From SEED The Pre-clearing Natural Vegetation of the Southern Mallee Planning Region...
This paper outlines the background to the preparation of a digital pre-clearing vegetation map of the shires of Wentworth and Balranald (Southern Mallee). The data set was... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA (Eastern Portion) Vegetation. VIS_ID 243
This polygon shapefile is a 1:25,000 vegetation mapping dataset combining 1999 CRAFTI and Forest Ecosystem mapping. Project undertaken by Kendall and Kendall Ecological... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Bald Blair 1:25000 Map VIS_ID 237
Bald Blair 1:25,000 vegetation map, one of 8 composite sheets covering the Guyra 1:100,000 map area.; Cunninghamia 6(3). 2000; ; VIS_ID 237 -
From SEED Yarriabini National Park Vegetation Fire 2007. VIS_ID 3899
Vegetation fire mapping for Yarriabini National Park by Eco Logical (Julian Wall) in 2007. A North Coast NPWS Region Contract. This dataset is a copy of the main Yarriabini... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Goobang National Park VIS_ID 1051
The composition and the extent of the present native vegetation in Goobang National Park (42080 ha) is described and mapped at 1:50 000 scale from intensive quadrat samples,... -
From SEED Remote Sensing Detection of Native Grasslands in South Eastern Highlands of...
Remote sensing detection of native grasslands in the South Eastern Highlands, NSW. The mapped results are based on the 23 class classification derived from the spring, summer... -
From SEED Yanga Vegetation Mapping: Historical Community Extent and Condition VIS_ID 3783
Mapping of vegetation was undertaken for Yanga National Park (NP), Yanga Nature Reserve (NR) and Yanga State Conservation Area (SCA) from aerial photography for the years of... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Woggoon and Tollingo Nature Reserves VIS_ID 1007
"Vegetation map from: Portners, M.F. (2001). Vegetation Survey of Woggoon and Tollingo Nature Reserves (Central West Region of NSW). Report for the NSW National Parks and... -
From SEED Tyagarah Nature Reserve Vegetation 1994. VIS_ID 675
Vegetation community mapping for Tyagarah Nature Reserve by Andrew Benwell, 1994. Rapid mapping project undertaken for the Natural Resources Audit Council (NRAC). VIS_ID 675 -
From SEED Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional vegetation survey VIS_ID 2225
"The NPWS were contracted by the Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environment Management Strategy (LHCCREMS) to carry out vegetation survey and mapping across the region.... -
From SEED Mid North Coast Headlands Vegetation 2006. VIS_ID 3827
Fine scale vegetation mapping for Mid North Coast Region Headlands by Bob Wilson, 2006. Mapped using high resolution aerial photography which was captured and rectified in-house... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Quanda Nature Reserve. VIS_ID 800
Vegetation Map of Quanda Nature Reserve with Millyvale Addition. Original reserve area mapped 1998, Millyvale addition mapped 2003. The composition and extent of the present... -
From SEED Vegetation map, Peak Hill, API. VIS_ID 4164
Vegetation mapping for part of the Peak Hill 1:100,000 mapsheet. Vegetation polygons attributed with dominant overstorey species and various land features through aerial... -
From SEED Remote Sensing Mapping Of Grassy Ecosystems In The Monaro VIS_ID 2513
This dataset is regional maps of natural grasslands, grassy woodlands and derived grassland of the Monaro region based on multi-temporal satellite imagery.