From SEED IMEF Reports-Lachlan
The IMEF program generated multiple reports on program design, methodologies, and outcomes for environmental flow monitoring across NSW. Data was collected until 2012 in a range... -
From SEED Wetlands Project-Hypothesis 7
IMEF (the Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows) Program was developed in 1998 to monitor the first environmental flow releases across the NSW regulated rivers. It was... -
From SEED IMEF Reports-NSW Statewide
The IMEF program generated multiple reports on program design, methodologies, and outcomes for environmental flow monitoring across NSW. Data was collected until 2012 in a range... -
From SEED Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping, Darling - VIS_ID 4454
The Murray-Darling Basin Plan (available at http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L02240) was developed under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007 and aims to deliver a coordinated... -
From SEED NSW Joint Private Works Schemes
A private water scheme is an arrangement among a group of landowners to share the costs and responsibilities of establishing and maintaining a private water system, including... -
From SEED Wetlands Project-Hypothesis 7-Gwydir
Vegetation data collected in the Gwydir Wetlands under the IMEF program from 1999-2005 The Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows Project (IMEF) is a NSW wide scientific... -
The department employs monitoring and research initiatives to track the effectiveness of water management changes in safeguarding and enhancing water-dependent ecosystems. We... -
From ePlanning Riparian vegetation and wetlands of the South Creek Catchment, Western Sydney (2018).
Riparian vegetation and wetlands The riparian vegetation and wetland spatial dataset was developed to provide an up to date (2018) and fine scale extent of surface water... -
From SEED Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping, Condamine-Balonne - VIS_ID 4453
The Murray-Darling Basin Plan (available at http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L02240) was developed under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007and aims to deliver a coordinated... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Western
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Hawkesbury / Nepean
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Namoi
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Murray / Murrumbidgee
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Central Tablelands
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Wetlands Project-Hypothesis 7-Namoi
The survey documents the presence/absence of macroinvertebrate species from selected wetlands in the Namoi catchment: Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows (IMEF) Wetland... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Northern Rivers
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Wetlands Project-Hypothesis 7-Lachlan
The survey documents the presence/absence of macroinvertebrate species from 12 x selected wetlands in the Lachlan catchment: Integrated Monitoring of Environmental Flows (IMEF)... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Central West
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Lower Murray Darling
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
From SEED Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Sydney Metro
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW....