From Transport Network Maps
This dataset contains network maps in PDF format for the NSW Transport network. -
From Transport NSW Bus Routes
The spatial datasets for NSW Bus Routes and includes contracted Greater Sydney Metro and Outer Metro bus routes along with rural and regional contracted bus services. The... -
From Transport LOAM - Light Rail Opal Assignment Model
This dataset provides an indicator of historic light rail occupancy for individual light rail services from 31 May 2021. Note that L1 data is currently not available. The legacy... -
From Transport Experimental electric vehicle use estimates (ABS)
The ABS released the following set of experimental electric vehicle estimates on Friday 26th November 2021. These estimates were derived from a small sample of electric... -
From Transport Australian Bus Fleet Lists
This data is provided by Bus Australia and provides known bus operator fleets in Australia. The information provided covers the various regions in each state, and the list of... -
From Transport Australian Statistical Geography Standard
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) brings together in one framework all of the regions which the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and many other... -
From Transport Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform API
The Maritime Alerts Reporting Platform (MARP) API is a real-time GeoJSON feed of alerts intended for vessel operators. It includes information from both Roads and Maritime... -
From Transport Sydney Region Pop-up Cycleway
This dataset includes pop-up cycleways in key commuter areas across the city to promote walking and bike riding. The pop-up cycleways is part of a set of initiatives developed... -
From City of Sydney Greenhouse gas emissions profile by suburb
City of Sydney community greenhouse gas emissions data in tCO2e by suburbs from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year. Data includes emissions from... -
From City of Sydney Greenhouse gas emissions profile by sector
City of Sydney community greenhouse gas emissions data in tCO2e by sectors from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year. Data includes emissions from... -
From Transport TfNSW Station Names in other Languages
This dataset contains the translation (or transliteration) of every station or wharf in the Transport for NSW network in 12 languages: Arabic French German Greek Hindi Italian... -
From Transport Private Moorings
Private mooring licences are only issued to individuals. They’re not issued to a partnership, company, organisation or association. A private mooring licence permits you to moor... -
From Transport Travel Zones 1996
TPA has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s data collection, transport modelling... -
From Transport Sydney Train Routes
This spatial dataset includes the train lines generated from the shape.txt file in the Sydney Trains GTFS static bundle. Spatial route datasets included in the following formats... -
From Transport Webcams for Coastal Bars and Alpine Waters
This data is provided by TfNSW Roads and Maritime and provides live webcam vision of coastal bars and alpine waters to help boaters and skippers prepare for a safe trip. The... -
From Transport Sydney Region Carriageway
A carriageway is width of roadway for the movement of vehicles. There are single carriageways and dual carriageways represented as single or dual lines in the spatial... -
From Transport Metro Station Maps
This dataset provides WCAG 2.0 compliant wayfinding maps for 13 Metro Stations along the Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations and 5 upgraded stations. Metro... -
From Transport Data on the speeding fines by the offender’s postcode
GIPA request: "The number and value of speeding fines issued by fixed digital speed cameras and by NSW Police, according to the offender’s postcode, for calendar years 2014 and... -
From Transport Rider Log GPS
UNSW has created an interactive dashboard from data that was acquired from Bicycle Network as collected through the RiderLog App. The maps are based on 120,085 GPS tracked... -
From ePlanning Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Infrastructure Corridors) 2020
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021 as part of the...