From data.gov.au Biodiversity Data - City of Greater Geelong
Information about different biosite areas across the Geelong region. Each site has unique flora and fauna associated plus other relevant attributes. Although all due care has... -
From data.gov.au Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity 2002 Database
The Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment (NLWRA, 2002) is the first attempt to report on terrestrial biodiversity condition and trend across Australia aggregated from... -
From data.gov.au Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity 2002, Biodiversity Audit Data Entry...
The Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment (NLWRA, 2002) is the first attempt to report on terrestrial biodiversity condition and trend across Australia aggregated from... -
From data.gov.au Golden Plains Roadside Biodiversity
Golden Plains Shire is responsible for managing 1834 kilometres of road reserves. Road reserves are not only used for transport but also act as service corridors, in fire... -
From data.gov.au City of Gold Coast - Fauna
This layer shows locations of fauna records recorded in Gold Coast public open space stored in the City of Gold Coast Flora & Fauna Database as of June 2023. Additional...