From SEED Single Beam Bathymetry & Coastal Topography Survey Coverage Areas - Coastal...
Areas of single beam Bathymetric data and coastal topography data, collated by the Coastal and Marine Unit (OEH). Includes coverage of Coastal, Estuarine and Other surveys as... -
From Spatial Alfred Grant map
Access APIMetadata Portal Metadata InformationContent TitleAlfred Grant MapContent TypeWeb ApplicationDescriptionThe Alfred Grant Map Application depicts locations where grants... -
From SEED HABMAP Multi-beam Survey Coverage Areas
Areas of fine-scale Bathymetric and relative acoustic Backscatter data produced using a mounted Geoswath 125KHZ Interferometric sidescan sonar system, by the HABMAP program.... -
From Spatial Unlocking Hosting Capacity
Metadata Portal Metadata Information Content TitleUnlocking hosting CapacityContent TypeWeb ApplicationDescriptionUnlocking Hosting Capacity Application created for Department... -
From SEED Real-Time Water - Surface Water Monitoring (Rivers and Streams)
Water resource data primarily relating to surface water. The data availability will vary from site to site and can change with time. -
From SEED Real-Time Water - Major Storage Monitoring
Water resource data primarily relating to major storages. The data availability will vary from site to site and can change with time. -
From SEED NARCliM1.0 climate projections
What is NARCliM? The New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project develops high-resolution regional climate projections that cover NSW and South-... -
From Spatial LGA Authority Reference Dashboard
Access APIMetadata Portal Metadata InformationContent TitleLGA Authority Reference DashboardContent TypeWeb ApplicationDescriptionAuthority Reference Dashboard for LGAs in... -
From Spatial Land and Property Theme
This Item has been deprecated and is flagged for deletion on the 03/03/2025. If this content is still required, please contact ss-data.enablement@customerservice.nsw.gov.au... -
From Spatial DCS Office Locations
Metadata Portal Metadata Information Content TitleDCS Office LocationsContent TypeWeb ApplicationDescriptionWeb app for the DCS Office Locations web app.Initial Publication... -
From ePlanning NARCliM1.5 climate projections
What is NARCliM? The New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project develops high-resolution regional climate projections that cover NSW and South-... -
From ePlanning Climate change in New South Wales - NARCliM2.0
Do you want to know more about how climate change may impact New South Wales? The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has undertaken research to... -
From Spatial Our People Web App
A web app detailing DCS employees across NSW. Formerly shown on the DCS Intranet. A map showing the amount of DCS staff within each LGA. The associated web app was formerly... -
From ePlanning NARCliM2.0 climate projections
What is NARCliM? The New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project develops high-resolution regional climate projections that cover NSW and South-... -
From SEED Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales
This landing page is a collection of data packages and reports which supports the Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales. Hillslope Erosion Soil erosion by water...