From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Central Coast catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Hunter catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From Spatial NSW Elevation Theme - 10m Derived Contour Service
NSW Elevation Theme - 10m Derived Contour Service This web service provides detailed contour lines generated at 10 metre intervals from a high-resolution 5 metre Digital... -
From SEED SLATS Non-Woody 2018, 2019 & 2020
This layer shows state-wide SLATS Non-Woody data based on the analysis of multi-date Sentinel2 and Planet Maps imagery for 2018, 2019 & 2020. Non-woody disturbance (removal... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Merriwa Plateau
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Merriwa. The Merriwa Plateau is located in the upper Hunter catchment including hills of the... -
From SEED Australia, World Heritage Areas
There are currently twenty (20) Australian properties on the World Heritage List . A single Australian World Heritage Areas database has been created by combining data which was... -
From SEED NARCliM1.0 climate projections
What is NARCliM? The New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project develops high-resolution regional climate projections that cover NSW and South-... -
From SEED Acid Sulfate Soils Risk
This project has mapped the occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) along the coast of NSW and provides information that will assist land management and rehabilitation. In their... -
From SEED Assets of Intergenerational Significance (AIS)
Asset of Intergenerational Significance (AIS) is land declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1975. Environmental values declared as AIS represent important habitat... -
From Flood Data Portal Cabravale Overland Flood Study - Report
The Cabravale Overland Flow Flood Study report was prepared for Fairfield City Council to define overland flood behaviour across the 11.5 km2 Cabravale study area. The flood... -
From Flood Data Portal Wamberal Lagoon Flood Study
Wamberal Lagoon is a small coastal lagoon within the Gosford City and Wyong Council Local Government areas (Figure 1). The lagoon has a surface area of approximately 0.5 square... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Camps
Note: The NSW database of flying-fox camps is no longer maintained. An interactive flying-fox web viewer hosted by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and... -
From SEED Hornsby Local Government Area Vegetation Map Update, 2017. VIS_ID 5065
The Hornsby Vegetation Map 2017 provides current information on the native vegetation in the study area. Previous Hornsby Vegetation mapping was completed in 2008. There are... -
From SEED Assessment of Bangalay Sand Forest TEC on NSW Crown Forest Estate
Bangalay Sand Forest is a threatened ecological community (TEC) associated with coastal sand plains found in the Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions. The most common... -
From SEED Reconnaissance Soil and Land Resources of the Murray Catchment
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Murray Catchment Management Authority area. It integrates numerous soil mapping datasets into a... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of Central and Eastern NSW
This map is a compilation of seven published Soil and Land Resource products which contain baseline natural resource information for the: Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment Liverpool... -
From SEED River Red Gum Ecological Thinning
The ecological thinning trial aims to learn about the effectiveness of ecological thinning for addressing a range of conservation concerns associated with widespread high stem... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Regional Water Strategy-Lachlan
The datasets provided contain modelled daily streamflow, and storage volume data for several NSW river systems. These data were generated by simulating baseline river system...