The Department of Planning and Environment – Water is working to make models and data publicly available. These can be grouped into three high level categories: 1) Climate Data:... -
From SEED NSW Koala Prioritisation Project - Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS)
The Koala Prioritisation Project NSW commenced in 2015 and was funded under the Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project to provide support and strategic direction to future... -
From SEED SLATS - Woody Vegetation Change - NSW 2017 - 2020
These layers show woody vegetation change based on the analysis of multi-date Sentinel2 imagery for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Woody change is detected though a combination of... -
From SEED Compilation map: Biometric vegetation types of the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla...
This project collated several vegetation maps (eg; SCIVI VIS_ID 2230) in consultation with end users to produce a composite Biometric vegetation type map for the Shoalhaven,... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Northern Rivers catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Sydney Metropolitan catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Southern Rivers catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Lower North Coast catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Hawkesbury Nepean catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Central Coast catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From SEED Identification of corridors of river recovery for NSW Hunter catchments
By connecting corridors of river recovery, resilience can be built into river systems to mitigate against future floods and droughts driven by anthropogenic disturbance or... -
From Spatial NSW Elevation Theme - 10m Derived Contour Service
NSW Elevation Theme - 10m Derived Contour Service This web service provides detailed contour lines generated at 10 metre intervals from a high-resolution 5 metre Digital... -
From SEED SLATS Non-Woody 2018, 2019 & 2020
This layer shows state-wide SLATS Non-Woody data based on the analysis of multi-date Sentinel2 and Planet Maps imagery for 2018, 2019 & 2020. Non-woody disturbance (removal... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
From SEED Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
From ePlanning NSW Koala Habitat Suitability Model 5m v1.1
This is a state-wide model of the potential of a given location to support koalas. Two versions of the model exist, a continuous model with habitat suitability values ranging... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Merriwa Plateau
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Merriwa. The Merriwa Plateau is located in the upper Hunter catchment including hills of the... -
From SEED Australia, World Heritage Areas
There are currently twenty (20) Australian properties on the World Heritage List . A single Australian World Heritage Areas database has been created by combining data which was... -
From SEED NARCliM1.0 climate projections
What is NARCliM? The New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project develops high-resolution regional climate projections that cover NSW and South-... -
From SEED Acid Sulfate Soils Risk
This project has mapped the occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) along the coast of NSW and provides information that will assist land management and rehabilitation. In their...