From SEED Goulburn Hydrogeological Landscapes: June 2011 (First Edition)
The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are... -
From Transport PTAL (Public Transport Accessibility Level)
PTAL is a measure of connectivity by public transport, which has been used in various planning processes for many years. For any selected place, PTAL suggests how well the place... -
From Transport Smart Pedestrian Project
Smart Cities, Smart Liverpool, Smart Pedestrian Project Thousands of people walk through the Liverpool city centre every day and, through the Smart Pedestrian Project, the paths... -
From SEED Archive 2021 - transitional - native vegetation regulatory (NVR) map
This data has now been superseded, please go to https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/native-vegetation-regulatory-map-2022 for the most current NVR Data The transitional NVR... -
From ePlanning Vegetation surveys and mapping of the Crinolyn and Windella Ramsar sites of...
This dataset is the Plant Community Type (PCT) mapping for the Crinolyn and Windella Ramsar sites of the Gwydir wetlands based on from the tree demographic and full floristic... -
From SEED Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2019
The Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2019 provides both an area and percentage of canopy for city blocks and infrastructure corridors in the Greater... -
From SEED Google Earth Engine Burnt Area Map (GEEBAM)
PLEASE NOTE: GEEBAM is an interim product and there is no ground truthing or assessment of accuracy. Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) data should be used for accurate... -
From SEED Estuaries (including macrophyte detail)
The Estuaries datasets contain the water boundary of each estuary in NSW up to its tidal limits and includes areas vegetated with the macrophytes; seagrass, mangrove, and... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2010-2015
The NSW SPOT 5 imagery product is a state-wide satellite imagery product provided by the Remote Sensing and Regulatory Mapping team of NSW Government. Capture dates for imagery... -
From SEED Imagery-Satellite-SPOT 2019
The NSW SPOT6/7 imagery product is a state-wide satellite imagery product provided by DCS Spatial for NSW Government. The images were captured June 2019 through to August 2019.... -
From SEED Repealed: Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia
The Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) dataset is held by the Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) web services and data repositories.... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Drainage Point
The Drainage Point Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Drainage Point layer includes Stormwater Outlets, Stormwater... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Fence Handrail
The Fence Handrail Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Fence Handrail polyline layer includes either fences or... -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure - Building
The Building Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Building point layer includes Accommodation, Amenities,... -
From SEED Land Management Practice (Cropping History) in the Central West-Lachlan CMA...
Land Management Practices (including cropping history) in the Central West and Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (CMA) areas for the period Winter 2008 - Summer 2009). This... -
From SEED Soil Landscapes of the Eden-Green Cape 1:100,000 Sheets
This map is one of a series of soil landscape maps that are intended for all of central and eastern NSW, based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. The map... -
From SEED Koala Modelling Regions
The Koala Habitat Suitability Models were developed across nine koala modelling regions. This was important because the environmental drivers that dictate habitat suitability... -
From SEED Shellharbour seabed landforms derived from multibeam echosounder data 2022
Mulitbeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry data were collected offshore of Shellharbour, NSW in 2017. Bathymetry data coverage extends from Port Kembla to Bass Point, and ranges... -
From ePlanning NSW Koala Habitat Information Base
The statewide Koala Habitat Information Base has been developed as part of the NSW Koala Strategy. It delivers the best available state-wide spatial data on koala habitat,... -
From SEED Non Woody Disturbance 2020
This layer shows non-woody vegetation change based on the analysis of multi-date Sentinel2 and Planet Maps imagery for 2020 (circa January 1-December 31, 2020) Non-woody change...