From SEED NSW Forest Carbon Stock - Aboveground, Belowground and Dead Organic Matter...
The NSW Carbon Monitoring project is a collaboration between the Natural Resources Commission of NSW and Mullion Group to develop a spatial time-series dataset of forest carbon... -
From SEED Killabakh Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003. VIS_ID 381
Vegetation community mapping for two small portions of Killabakh Nature Reserve (the area around Killabakh mountain and a southern isolated section) by Paul McDonald, 2003.... -
From SEED Khatambuhl Nature Reserve Vegetation 2002. VIS_ID 380
Vegetation community mapping for Khatambuhl Nature Reserve by Paul McDonald, 2002. Traditional API methodology was used to complete this job across five reserves for the Manning... -
From SEED Reconstructed distribution of indigenous vegetation types in the NSW...
Spatial reconstructions of the indigenous vegetation of a region can be used to assess the relative loss of vegetation types or ecosystems. In this context the "reconstructed... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Cessnock-Kurri Region - Confidence VIS_ID 185
A vegetation survey, classification and mapping program of the Cessnock-Kurri region was carried out during 2006-07 by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll. The survey was... -
From SEED Phytophthora distribution
These maps are the output of a project investigating the distribution and risk of the pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi in New South Wales. The distribution of P. cinnamomi was... -
From SEED NSW Ocean Ecosystems 2002
An environmental classification developed in conjunction with the NSW Marine Parks Authority Research Committee. The purpose of the mapping was for use in assessments to... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2022/23
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has developed... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2018/19
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has developed... -
From SEED Goonook Nature Reserve Vegetation (NW Section) 2002. VIS_ID 314
Vegetation community mapping for a small parcel of land abutting Goonook Nature Reserve by Paul McDonald, 2002. Traditional API methodology was used to complete this job across... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Foraging Habitat
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under state and Commonwealth... -
From SEED Vegetation of the Cessnock-Kurri Region - Disturbed VIS_ID 186
A vegetation survey, classification and mapping program of the Cessnock-Kurri region was carried out during 2006-07 by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll. The survey was... -
From SEED NSW Marine Habitats 2002
An environmental classification developed in conjunction with the NSW Marine Parks Authority Research Committee. The purpose of the mapping was for use in assessments to... -
From SEED Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Soil Condition (Salinity) Report Card...
This dataset contains a summary of the derived salinity condition scores generated for the Soil Condition theme of the NSW Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting (MER) program.... -
From SEED Extant natural vegetation for Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth VIS_ID 3796
Extant natural vegetation is mapped to local scale plant community level in the Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth 1 : 100 000 mapsheets. The mapsheets fall within the Namoi and... -
From SEED NSW Estuary Ecosystems 2002
An environmental classification developed in conjunction with the NSW Marine Parks Authority Research Committee. The purpose of the mapping was for use in assessments to... -
From SEED Forest Ecosystem Grid for CRA Lower North East. VIS_ID 3883
Map of the distribution of each forest ecosystem across extant forest in the Lower North East CRA region. Three separate classifications and mapping techniques were used to... -
From OpenGov Hume Highway curve improvements at Kyeamba: review of environmental factors
The Kyeannba section of the Hume Highway was identified in the Hume Highway Strategic Planning Study (Connell Wagner, 2004) as a section requiring short-term safety improvements... -
From Transport NSW Roads Traffic Volume Counts API
RMS has permanent and temporary roadside collection devices which continuously collect traffic information data. Through the Traffic Volume Counts API, traffic count data from... -
From SEED Historic Heritage Information Management System (HHIMS) Sites
The Historic Heritage Information Management System (HHIMS) assists the Environment and Heritage Group (EHG) within the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to manage...