From Transport NSW Intrastate Regional Aviation Statistics
This dataset contains patronage statistics for all intrastate air services to and from Sydney airport. This data is collected quarterly under the Air Transport Regulation 2016.... -
Walking Data
The walking data featured here are from the Household Travel Survey (HTS), which is the largest and most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater... -
From Transport Car park API
The Car Park API provides real time and historical occupancy of selected car parks. This API provides the occupancy for Transport Park&Ride car parks. Transport... -
Travel Forecasts
The Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) produces travel forecasts using the Strategic Travel Model (STM). This model is a world class tool that projects travel patterns in... -
From Transport Customer Satisfaction Index - Results 2016
In 2016, Transport for NSW conducted four surveys to measure customer satisfaction levels across the NSW public transport system. This dataset provides the results of the surveys. -
From Transport Opal Trips - All Modes
This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is... -
From Transport Opal Patronage
This dataset contains the Opal patronage data for train, bus, ferry and light rail since January 2020. The data is available by public transport mode, day of the week and of key... -
From Transport Autonomous Vehicles - GTFS Timetables
This dataset contains GTFS timetables for autonomous vehicles in NSW. -
From Transport Customer Satisfaction Index - Results Nov 2014 - Nov 2015
Between Nov 2014 and Nov 2015, Transport for NSW conducted three surveys to measure customer satisfaction levels across the NSW public transport system. This dataset provides... -
TPA - Aviation
These datasets are patronage statistics for all intrastate air services that fly to and from Sydney, to and from another location within New South Wales. This data is collected... -
Census of Population and Housing
This dataset contains projected population figures from Transport for NSW’s Travel Zone Projection 2016 (TZP2016) model (formally known as LU16*). The data includes: • Estimated... -
From Transport Customer Satisfaction Index - All Modes
People often use different modes of transport at various times for a range of reasons, so it is important that we continue to listen to how people in NSW rate their experiences... -
From Transport Collective Cycling Datasets
This dataset includes the open data sets we have about cycling and bicycle counts and includes the following data: Popup Cycleway The Popup Cycleway data includes six popup... -
From Transport Freight Data
These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes: Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for... -
Ferry Patronage
Ferry Patronage dataset has Opal ferry trips by month, operator, contract area and card type. An Opal trip is where an Opal card is used to tap-on and tap-off, including where a... -
Employment Forecasts
Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) provides projections of employment at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). The GMA... -
From Transport Infrastructure Cycleway Data
Shapefile for the TfNSW bicycle network maintained by Roads and Maritime Services. This dataset is automatically updated monthly when changes occur. -
From Transport Covid-19 Physical Distancing Capacity Advisory
“Physical Distancing Capacity” levels have varied through different levels of restrictions due to different physical distancing advisory. This dataset contains two resources... -
From Transport Buses - On-time Running
This dataset provides the Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Contract on time running results from 2010 onward. Until June 2017, Transport for NSW monitored... -
From Transport City of Sydney Cycle Network
Existing, rideable bicycle routes through the City of Sydney local government area for bicycle commuters. For more information visit Cycling - City of Sydney.