From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2192
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2199
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2188
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA East Candidate EECs 2004. VIS_ID 373
Native Vegetation and Candidate Endangered Ecological Community mapping for Kempsey LGA East by GECO Environmental and Kendall and Kendall Ecological consultants in 2004. The... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2189
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Tilligerry State Conservation Area Vegetation 2006. VIS_ID 3831
Vegetation community mapping for Tilligerry State Conservation Area by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll, Eastcoast Flora Survey during 2005-06. A vegetation and survey mapping... -
From SEED Coffs Harbour LGA Vegetation 1996 and 2005. VIS_ID 3910
The vegetation of Coffs Harbour City LGA, excluding National Parks and State Forest tenure, but including all remnant vegetation over 0.5 ha was mapped and classified into type... -
From SEED Crawney Pass National Park Vegetation 2009. VIS_ID 4193
Vegetation community mapping for Crawney Pass National Parks by Stephen Bell, Eastcoast Flora Survey, completed February 2009. An Upper Hunter Area NPWS Region contract. Mapped... -
From SEED Vegetation of Winburndale Nature Reserve. VIS_ID 1018
Vegetation map of Winburndale Nature Reserve. Vegetation descriptions from Boden,R. and Mitchell,L(1996) The NSW NPWS commissioned vegetation surveys of Winburndale NR and... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2195
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2193
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Bathurst District Vegetation Survey. VIS_ID 864
Vegetation map of Conimbla National Park. Vegetation descriptions from Boden, R. & Mitchell, L. (1996). The NSW NPWS commissioned vegetation surveys of Winburndale NR and... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2191
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Grey-headed Flying-fox Foraging Habitat Ranking (Vector)
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under State and Commonwealth... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2190
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) Vegetation Extent. VIS_ID 4172
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From Transport Train Occupancy - Nov 2016 to Feb 2017
This dataset provides an indicator of train occupancy for individual train services from November 2016 to February 2017. The occupancy status is provided at each train station... -
From SEED NSW Resource Exploration Map Blocks
Geographical grid pattern based on the 1:1000000 international map series for the State of New South Wales facilitating the description of resource exploration title areas. A... -
From OpenGov Trip generation drive through coffee outlets : data and analysis report with...
Bitzios Consulting has been commissioned by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), NSW to undertake a traffic generation study of drive through coffee outlets (outlets). The need... -
From OpenGov Trip generation, parking demand and vessel movement surveys of marinas : data report
The Transport Planning Partnership (TTPP) has been commissioned by the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to undertake a trip generation and parking analysis of marina sites across...