From SEED Climate Change Corridors (Moist Habitat) for North East NSW
The data integrates best available information to delineate broad wildlife corridors along climatic gradients. The objective of the layer is to best delineate large-scale... -
From SEED Worimi Conservation Lands Vegetation 2010. VIS_ID 3903
Vegetation community mapping for the Worimi Conservation Lands - Worimi National Park, Worimi State Conservation Area and Worimi Regional Park, by Stephen Bell and Colin... -
From SEED Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve Vegetation 2002. VIS_ID 220
Vegetation community mapping for Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve and surrounds by Penny Kendall, 2002. Aerial photograph interpretation and field sampling. Six vegetation... -
From SEED Clarence River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Hastings River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Tweed River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Shoalhaven River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Manning River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Richmond River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED Macleay River Floodplain Prioritisation Study
The Coastal Floodplain Prioritisation Study covered seven estuaries on the NSW floodplain. The study included an extensive data collection and collation process to improve... -
From SEED NSW Administrative Boundaries
The NSW Administrative Boundaries Web Service is a dynamic map of administrative and property boundaries. Administrative Areas Boundaries depict a polygon feature class within... -
From SEED NSW Resource Exploration Map Units
Geographical grid pattern based on the 1:1000000 international map series for the State of New South Wales facilitating the description of resource exploration title areas. A... -
From OpenGov Federal Highway: section: Collector to Brooks Creek (National Route No. 23):...
This Environmental Impact Statement presents particulars of these investigations in one volume and has been prepared with due regard to specialist reports. Information which... -
From OpenGov Pacific Highway upgrade: Yelgun to Chinderah: environmental impact...
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is proposing to upgrade the Pacific Highway between Yelgun and Chinderah, on the far north coast of New South Wales. The upgrade would be... -
From OpenGov North Shore strategic transport study : evaluation of options : main report
The North Shore Strategic Transport Study was initiated by The Hon. Bruce Baird, Minister for Transport, to examine and report on transport issues in the North Shore area and to... -
From SEED Archive 2021 - transitional native vegetation regulatory (NVR) map -...
This data has now been superseded, please go to https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/nvr-map-vulnerable-regulated-land-2022 for the most current NVR Data The transitional... -
From Spatial NSW Land Parcel Property Theme - Lot
Export Data Access API NSW Land Parcel and Property Theme - Lot Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily... -
From SEED Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSG) of NSW
This map provides an estimation of Hydrologic Groups of soils in NSW according to the four class system (A-D) A — soils having high infiltration rates, even when thoroughly... -
From SEED General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - Lower Darling Catchment
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. The General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting... -
From SEED General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - NSW Border Rivers Catchment
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. The General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting...