From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1617
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Native Woody Vegetation Mapping of the NSW Wheat-belt VIS_ID 1611
Previously mapped and described remnant native woody vegetation of the wheat-belt is updated using Landsat TM false colour composite (bands 2,4,5,-green, near infra red, mid... -
From SEED Southern CRA - Riverina Highlands Mapping Extension, Biolinks
This project was carried out by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Southern CRA Unit for the Riverina Highlands Regional Vegetation Management Committee (RVMC). Two... -
From SEED NSW Resource Exploration Map Blocks
Geographical grid pattern based on the 1:1000000 international map series for the State of New South Wales facilitating the description of resource exploration title areas. A... -
From SEED NSW Identified Wilderness
Boundaries of identified wilderness areas in NSW under S.6 of the Wilderness Act 1987. Under the Wilderness Act 1987, wilderness is land which: • is substantially unmodified by... -
From SEED Wyong LGA Endangered Ecological Communities EECs Map 2009 VIS ID 3904
Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) for Wyong LGA mapped by Stephen Bell in 2009. This data originates from the vegetation map of 2008 which included a "EEC Equivalent"... -
From SEED National Heritage List
These data provide locational and attribute information for places nominated to and included in the National Heritage List as determined by the Australian Government managed by... -
From SEED Wallabadah Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003. VIS_ID 703
Vegetation mapping for Wallabadah Nature Reserve. Updated API and transferred to 1:25,000 topo maps by Travis Peak,Natural Assets Environmental Survey and Assessment, 2003 under... -
From SEED Assessment of the TEC of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval Region
The assessment area in this report includes all Crown Forest estate situated within the boundaries of the Upper North East, Lower North East, Southern and Eden Integrated... -
From SEED High Environmental Value Central Coast Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 15 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED Imbota Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003 VIS_ID 4739
Imbota Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2003 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Imbota Nature Reserve is located... -
From Flood Data Portal Braidwood Creeks Flood Study
The hydraulic study area is the Braidwood Township and areas up to one kilometre upstream and downstream along the creeks. It is defined generally by the 2(v) Zone of the... -
From Flood Data Portal Lochinvar Flood Study - GIS
Data contains: * Cadastre * Catchments * Community Consultation * Creeks * Flood Marks * Flood Results * Floor Levels * Railway * Rainfall * Roads * Study Area * Towns * Urban... -
From SEED Jubullum Vegetation 2017 VIS_ID 4777
Landmark Ecological Services was approached Nov 2017 to undertake a rapid flora and fauna assessment of Lots 53 and 55 IN DP 14212, which are adjacent to the Rocky River about 5... -
From SEED NSW Private Land Conservation Agreements
NSW Private Land Conservation Agreements (NSW PLC Agreements) is an authoritative dataset that brings together all private protected areas administered by the NSW Biodiversity... -
From SEED Brindingabba National Park Vegetation. VIS ID 5125.
The rural property Brindingabba-Bindra Station located approximately 150km north of Bourke and covering approximately 33,000 hectares was added to the NSW national parks estate... -
From SEED Wallabadah Nature Reserve Vegetation 1999. VIS_ID 704
Vegetation mapping for Wallabadah Nature Reserve. API and transferred to 1:25,000 maps by Travis Peak, Natural Assets; Environmental Survey and Assessment, 1999 under contract... -
From SEED Lachlan River Catchment Wetlands
This regional scale mapping of wetlands in the Lachlan River Catchment was produced to trial methods for Wetland Inventory in NSW. Wetland boundaries were determined by... -
From SEED Yina Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003 VIS_ID 4763
Yina Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2003 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Yina NR is located within the New England... -
From SEED Aberbaldie Nature Reserve Vegetation 2005 VIS_ID 4704
Aberbaldie Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2005 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Aberbaldie Nature Reserve...